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  1. currently its set to 8443, as I mentioned. So, I reset it back to 4743, like yours. I then set nginx to 4743 again, but switched it to http. Which I've done in the past. However, I got the same results.
  2. I attempted to use 8443 and I got the exact same results.
  3. So, I appear to be going in circles. I'm going to stop where I'm at, and stick with what I have, but I need to get an issue resolved. I've torn down the cloudflare tunnel and went back to port forwarding, using a reverse proxy with nginx, and cloudflare. Here are the steps and the settings I've used. setting up cloudflare: I already had my domain moved over and handled by cloudflare, so I didn't need to do anything here, but my first step was to setup new api token. within cloudflare I clicked on profile>api tokens> create token > edit zones > change token name > zone resources > all zones > continue to summary > create token. it was at this stage I copied the test and pasted into the unraid servers terminal. It appears to have passed with no issues. I copied the api token. setting up nginx: installed nginx on unraid. I updated the HTTP and HTTPs ports to 1880 and 18443. luanched the UI and first step was to create a ssl certificate. Add ssl cert > lets encrypt > domain names > *.domainname.com > email address > use dns challenge > provider > cloudflare> inserted api token from cloudflare setting up vaultwarden: installed vaultwarden, simply set signup to true. setting up cloudflare ddns: installed cloudflare-DDNS. configured it with my email that associated with cloudflare, set the doman, and provided the global api key from cloudflare's website. clicked done. Went to cloudflare and verified that the A record has been created. setting up reverse proxy: visted cloudflare > clicked on domain > dns records > added cname for warden next I went to nginx proxy manager and added a new proxy host. after which I click on the link and I get this error if I click on docker and select webui, I'm now able to gain access to the vaultwarden admin, thanks to @yogy's suggestion for updating the admin token. However if I click vault, I get a login, but when I attempt to access it with my password. I get this error. which doesn't make sense, as I believe I've configured my reverse proxy correctly. Any insights?
  4. sorry for the delay in this. I took at look for the config.json file and I don't seem to have one.
  5. newbie here. I've been running unraid for about a year now, but haven't really dug too much into learning. One of the first things I did was install vaultwarden. I followed IBRACORPS tutorial originally. I currently have a few issues related to Vaultwarden First: Right now, I cannot access vault warden remotely. But I believe that is an issue related to my cloudflare/nginx configuation. I'm going to take that over to that thread Second: If I click on vaultwarden within my unraid apps draw, and proceed to the UI. I get I don't know what the admin-key I originally used is. I'm assuming that's what it is asking for.
  6. I'm attempting to replace my cache drives and I've gone through the following steps. 1) disable VM and Docker 2) use Mover to move contents of cache to array 3) stop the array At this point I've been waiting for about an hour and all I have is this. I'm relatively new with Unraid, and I'm not sure what steps to look for. I've attached my diagnostics log. What I would like to know is 1) What steps should I take to correct this issue. I need to power down the array so I can swap out the drives. 2) where in the diagnostics should I look for indicators as to what is wrong? ultron-diagnostics-20230305-1545.zip
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