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  1. 已经是这样设置的了,但就是下载巨慢
  2. 主路由也可以翻墙啊,为什么不行呢。
  3. 最近家里的Unraid抽了风,300M的DOCKER要拉一个小时还没拉完,之前一直是好的。 已经更换了自建的阿里云国内镜像源,也试过网易的镜像源,均不能解决问题。 软路由和服务器均重启过N次,交换机都重启过了。 打开应用市场的时候提示“备份服务器正处于活动状态”,查了一些资料说是没扶墙的原因,但我这已经扶了墙了。求哪位高人能指点一下。
  4. When I start Unraid, if I turn on the recycle bin plug-in, the array starts up very slowly, the longest time is about 10 minutes, the array does not start successfully, I have to stop the recycle bin plug-in and reboot the system. When I don't turn on the recycle bin plugin, the array can start up quickly in a short time. So, how can I fix this problem?
  5. Here is the diagnostics. Thanks unraid-diagnostics-20220829-1046.zip
  6. I got this waring after I update my cache pool I have used btrfs fi df /mnt/cache And here is the response. Data, RAID1: total=187.00GiB, used=36.68GiB Data, single: total=589.01GiB, used=356.33GiB System, RAID1: total=32.00MiB, used=80.00KiB System, single: total=4.00MiB, used=32.00KiB Metadata, RAID1: total=4.00GiB, used=742.52MiB Metadata, single: total=4.01GiB, used=1004.59MiB GlobalReserve, single: total=512.00MiB, used=0.00B WARNING: Multiple block group profiles detected, see 'man btrfs(5)'. WARNING: Data: single, raid1 WARNING: Metadata: single, raid1 WARNING: System: single, raid1 I saw some error message but I don't know how to fix it. Anyone can help me?
  7. I start build a cache pool this afternoon. But the balance action is too slow. It take about 3 hours like this... I And my Unraid become so slow now. CPU usage is almost full. I don't know if it cause by the balance. Anyone can tell me how to fix it? Thanks a lot
  8. 想给缓存做个raid1阵列的,创建完后因为同步速度太慢取消并重启,再次进入系统后原缓存盘无法挂载,显示Unmountable: not mounted,求助如何在不格式化缓存盘的情况下将其重新挂载回去?谢谢!
  9. 问题看起来已经解决了,大概知道是什么东西引发的,但是仍然不明白原因,解决过程中做了两件事情: 1、取消docker指定核心线程数,资源占用过高发生的频率降低,但仍有发生。 2、将某个docker应用从unraid上移至群晖上运行,问题彻底解决,该docker应用会大量生成硬链接文件。也隐约和之前说的可调式(取消硬链接)是一个类型的解决方法。 虽然问题是解决了,但是仍然不明白原因,即:Unraid是我实际的存储系统,我的硬链接文件和源文件实际都在Unraid上存储,为什么简单地将docker改用其它系统就能解决资源占用的问题呢?
  10. 我怀疑可能是docker绑定cpu造成的,但是当我试图修改docker绑定cpu的时候,点击应用提示是成功的,但是点击完成后再次进入发现设置又恢复了原样,这个怎么解决啊。
  11. 最奇怪的是,我甚至不能确定是否是shfs导致的问题,CPU占用高的时候,UNRAID的docker和虚拟机的页面不能打开,但是使用top和docker stats,都没有发现足以让系统停止响应的进程。 主界面的消耗是这样的: 同一时期docker stats截图 同一时期top截图
  12. qb已经关闭,vm没打开,查看系统进程,唯一有嫌疑的只有shfs,难道只能关闭硬链接吗? cpu: 10900t es 内存:64G SSD: P3000 1T
  13. 测试了几天,头两天好象情况有改观,但是今晚又出现同样的情况,多个线程不明原因占满。top界面和webui的cpu负载界面显示信息显示信息不一致,不知道是怎么回事。按理说top显示的情况不应该带来这么高的系统负载。
  14. OK, I see. So that maybe the device cannot be supported. I will change some another device to try it. Thanks for your help.
  15. Yes, I just want to be able to use this NIC in a VM, but no matter what I can't use it, as I mentioned above, truenas VM has no way to get the ip address, windows VM can see this NIC and I have installed the NIC drivers through a third party driver, but the network still says not connected, I'm pretty sure the network is connected. The lights on both the switch and the card are on, and I have replaced serval network cables to use them, all without success. And this NIC, which was previously used as a NIC for the unraid system (not doing pass-through), is perfectly fine.