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Everything posted by gvkhna

  1. Ok so I will try the USB DOM. I had a usb header to usb plug adapter but it kept falling out so I ended up returning it. Due to clearance in the front and rear of the rack I can’t have a usb drive sticking out. Against rec. I did end up getting the tiny one for that reason, guess the PSA is for good reason. I will try the USB dom and hope for the best, that seems to be the best solution for my use case. I was also looking at an exotic pcie dom, because I have a spare x1 pci bus available. Any idea if that will work, I don’t want to use that though because it’s so rare but curious if it would work.
  2. Hey there, I setup my first unraid about a month and a half back, with a fresh San disk usb. It just died, admittedly I did a lot of searching for high quality usb sticks but couldn’t find any discernible difference, they all seem cheap overall. Especially the advice to remain on usb 2.0 seems almost outdated at this point, usb 2 drives are relatively hard to find compared to usb 3.0. After the recent Linus video about USB DOM, I started looking into it. I bought one because I really don’t want to deal with drive failure but I’m trying to harden my system from downtime and am considering a backup solution running in the server, which is inconvenient to take out of the rack and service. I was reading some Reddit threads, someone mentioned they don’t use usb DOMs anymore after their company had a lot of failures, and switched to ssds for boot drives. The costs are the same at this point, you can get a low capacity nvme ssd for $50-80, about the same price as a DOM. Also they’re really readily available and mine have been working very reliably for years. I’m considering just switching a 500gb nvme to my boot drive, and upgrading the computer it’s in to a 1tb because I could use the additional space. Can an nvme be used as unraid boot, has GUID? And is there really any updates to the advice about usb flash in 2022? This is inconvenient to boot from usb because usb drives are quite hit or Miss, and changing them requires downtime which I’m heavily trying to avoid. im running some business applications on my unraid so I’m trying to have some semblance of reliability. Any thoughts?
  3. In the other thread (sorry for double posting). I posted the xml for bazaar which I installed through CA but i'm not able to save the CPU Pinning selection. I'm not trying to manage CPU Pinning for manually installed containers, just the one's I've installed through CA as those are lower priority essentially.
  4. <?xml version="1.0"?> <Container version="2"> <Name>bazarr</Name> <Repository>lscr.io/linuxserver/bazarr</Repository> <Registry>https://github.com/orgs/linuxserver/packages/container/package/bazarr</Registry> <Network>internal</Network> <MyIP/> <Shell>bash</Shell> <Privileged>false</Privileged> <Support>https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-bazarr/issues/new/choose</Support> <Project>https://www.bazarr.media/</Project> <Overview>Bazarr(https://www.bazarr.media/) is a companion application to Sonarr and Radarr. It can manage and download subtitles based on your requirements. You define your preferences by TV show or movie and Bazarr takes care of everything for you.</Overview> <Category>Downloaders: Network:Other MediaApp:Video Tools:Utilities</Category> <WebUI>http://[IP]:[PORT:6767]</WebUI> <TemplateURL>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/templates/master/unraid/bazarr.xml</TemplateURL> <Icon>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/bazarr-logo.png</Icon> <ExtraParams/> <PostArgs/> <CPUset>22,23</CPUset> <DateInstalled>1651280372</DateInstalled> <DonateText/> <DonateLink/> <Description>Bazarr(https://www.bazarr.media/) is a companion application to Sonarr and Radarr. It can manage and download subtitles based on your requirements. You define your preferences by TV show or movie and Bazarr takes care of everything for you.</Description> <Networking> <Mode>internal</Mode> <Publish> <Port> <HostPort>6767</HostPort> <ContainerPort>6767</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> </Publish> </Networking> <Data> <Volume> <HostDir>/mnt/user/data/movies/</HostDir> <ContainerDir>/movies</ContainerDir> <Mode>rw</Mode> </Volume> <Volume> <HostDir>/mnt/user/data/tv/</HostDir> <ContainerDir>/tv</ContainerDir> <Mode>rw</Mode> </Volume> <Volume> <HostDir>/mnt/user/appdata/bazarr</HostDir> <ContainerDir>/config</ContainerDir> <Mode>rw</Mode> </Volume> </Data> <Environment> <Variable> <Value>99</Value> <Name>PUID</Name> <Mode>{3}</Mode> </Variable> <Variable> <Value>100</Value> <Name>PGID</Name> <Mode>{3}</Mode> </Variable> <Variable> <Value>022</Value> <Name>UMASK</Name> <Mode>{3}</Mode> </Variable> </Environment> <Labels/> <Config Name="WebUI" Target="6767" Default="6767" Mode="tcp" Description="Allows HTTP access to the internal webserver." Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">6767</Config> <Config Name="Path: /movies" Target="/movies" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Location of your movies" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">/mnt/user/data/movies/</Config> <Config Name="Path: /tv" Target="/tv" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Location of your TV Shows" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">/mnt/user/data/tv/</Config> <Config Name="Appdata" Target="/config" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/bazarr" Mode="rw" Description="Bazarr data" Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/bazarr</Config> <Config Name="PUID" Target="PUID" Default="99" Mode="{3}" Description="Container Variable: PUID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">99</Config> <Config Name="PGID" Target="PGID" Default="100" Mode="{3}" Description="Container Variable: PGID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">100</Config> <Config Name="UMASK" Target="UMASK" Default="022" Mode="{3}" Description="Container Variable: UMASK" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false">022</Config> </Container> I tried several things with this one. I set it through the advanced view, but it wouldn't show as selected in the CPU pinning view. I then deselected it from the advanced view and tried to set it again in the CPU pinning view so I could see it with everything else. Nothing worked, I tried several different steps, but this is my current config for this one. Attaching a screenshot to show in the CPU Pinning view, nothing is selected. I read elsewhere this has to do with having containers that do not have associated xmls. But there's nothing I can do about that, I need some of these containers etc. But this just seems like a bug. It's ok if those containers without xml don't have CPU Pinning and other features, but I need them to run.
  5. I posted as well to another thread, I have too many containers to manage through the advanced tab for each one but I guess it’s a workaround. I have so many containers it’s quite tedious this way. I need some of the containers I’ve launched without the xml file, so this seems like a bug. Is there a bug request on this issue to track.
  6. I haven’t made any manual pinnings in syslinux AFAIK, I can edit the pins manually through the advanced docker view. But it’s really tedious, I have over 30 containers I’m trying to manage. The CPU pinning page won’t save my selection, I’ve tried a number of things. I’m going to look more into the syslinux file but this seems like a bug. What’s the best way to report it, or is this fixable?
  7. Pretty sure I solved it with the following change to this config (read earlier post) /boot/etc/logrotate.d/docker /var/log/docker.log { rotate 0 notifempty missingok copytruncate nocreate size=5M nocompress } Needed nocreate and copytruncate in the logrotate file and I now see it the logfile filling up but then logrotate truncates it in place. Looks like it's working well enough.
  8. Unfortunately this did not solve the issue. A few days later I'm still getting the /var/log is filled error. It turns out docker is holding onto the references for the docker.log.1 etc. I can see this with the following command: lsof +L1 The output showing: COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NLINK NODE NAME dockerd 6701 root 1w REG 0,35 131702784 0 55 /var/log/docker.log.1 (deleted) dockerd 6701 root 2w REG 0,35 131702784 0 55 /var/log/docker.log.1 (deleted) container 6731 root 1w REG 0,35 131702784 0 55 /var/log/docker.log.1 (deleted) container 6731 root 2w REG 0,35 131702784 0 55 /var/log/docker.log.1 (deleted) lsof: no pwd entry for UID 5050 So it looks like dockerd would indeed have to be restarted. Anyone know what to do here, maybe how to delete these log files without restarting the containers?
  9. Would like to request better support for running a kubernetes cluster on unraid. I'm currently using KIND (kubernetes in docker) and it's actually working quite well so far but it's not exactly natively integrated. https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/ Incidentally I offered to help out the OP for the Ultimate Unraid Dashboard with his request for help by someone familiar with Docker to upgrade the setup and make it easier to setup and use. I've currently setup Grafana, Loki, Promtail, Telegraf, and InfluxDB (up to date versions) across 5 separate docker containers. The community has adopted helm charts for multi app setup/coordination in a cluster,, I think a lot of everyones time could be better spent adopting this paradigm versus putting more effort into Docker setups, docker itself is being deprecated by kubernetes for containerd.
  10. I ended up making the following changes which I guess will solve the problem. First time making changes to my flash drive config. If you see any potential issues please let me know. /boot/config/go #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility cp /boot/etc/cron.d/logrotate /etc/cron.d/logrotate chmod 755 /etc/cron.d/logrotate cp /boot/etc/logrotate.d/docker /etc/logrotate.d/docker chmod 755 /etc/logrotate.d/docker /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & /boot/etc/logrotate.d/docker /var/log/docker.log { rotate 0 notifempty missingok size=5M nocompress } /boot/etc/cron.d/logrotate */15 * * * * logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf Obviously I'm brute-forcing this approach with a 15m log rotate interval but I'm ok with that if it prevents the /var/log from getting filled up. I'm also getting spam for this "cgroups: cannot find cgroup mount destination" Will see if this works out anyway.
  11. Well I know the recommendation is 30, I'm currently at 17gb and do plan on adding more things so I made it 50G just in case, I do have a lot of things I still need to setup on this system.
  12. Based on this post and my settings, it looks like indeed these Docker settings are for container logs but not the daemon/engine. I've observed this, because the /var/log/docker.1 was 100mb rotated but I set rotation at 50mb. So these settings probably don't apply here. I also can't find a single piece of information about just stopping it from logging this error, and sure enough I restarted and it has started spamming this log file again with this error about collecting stats.
  13. It looks like I do have that on with these settings. Will change Docker LOG maximum file size to 10MB and try that as well now.
  14. I've searched around but can't find any information on correcting the docker daemon to limit it's log file size. I recently got a FCP warning, the /var/log/docker.log was 128MB filling up the entire log fs. I deleted the extra content, but dockerd was holding onto a reference so the filesystem didn't reduce used space. I gave up and restarted and started tailing /var/log/docker.log. Here's the spam lines, searching around I don't see much mention of this information. Will post diagnostics if needed but this seems to be a particular issue with the docker daemon setup? I thought about configuring /etc/docker/daemon.json but I realized it would be wiped upon restart so I am posting to see if anyone else has any workarounds for this. I also was getting various messages about the cgroups as well.
  15. Hey OP, I saw this result when searching for kubernetes on unraid. I was wondering why unraid didn't have maybe a kubernetes plugin or easy way to install it. I didn't have much issue just manually installing kubectl and setting up a simple minikube cluster on my unraid machine. I have a simple need to run an app that is a container image and I plan to use helm to facilitate CI/CD with gitlab. It looks like you chose to use a VM for kubernetes, but that overhead isn't really needed. I'm new to kubernetes but experienced with docker. So I thought I would follow up on the discussion of k8s on unraid, seems like a good fit. But at the same time the more I learn about it, the more I realize perhaps k8s is superior and the entire ecosystem of docker templates is really just a clone of helm charts.
  16. Hey OP, I'm a developer with enough experience with docker where I could probably help out with this. I setup UUD for the most part, new to unraid but i'm currently setting it up to manage a couple of in-house apps I want to self host. I'm specifically trying to setup grafana for log tailing this app but I haven't used it before so our experience could be mutually beneficial and I'm happy to help where I can. I see GUS is deprecated. Also I see the versions recommended for UUD for telegraf and influxdb are out of date, I had some difficulty setting them up. I could see utility in just having a separate grafana instance for UUD although it doesn't seem like it would interfere too much if folks wanted to use it for other things, especially if it already included a working UUD. It's the other dependencies that made installing it a bit of a hassle. Also a lot of my panels don't work because it's just too much setup and too deep into grafana for me. But anyway if you care to sync happy to chat.
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