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Posts posted by thompn4

  1. 26 minutes ago, yayitazale said:

    No, you are not. In red all the ones you are not filling and they are still there:


    docker run
      -e TZ="America/Denver"
      -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
      -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Unraid"
      -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="frigate"
      -e 'PLUS_API_KEY'=''
      -e 'LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME'=''

      -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
      -l net.unraid.docker.webui=''
      -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yayitazale/unraid-templates/main/frigate.png'
      -p '5000:5000/tcp'
      -p '8554:8554/tcp'
      -p '8555:8555/tcp'
      -p '8555:8555/udp'
      -p ':1984/tcp'
      -v '/mnt/user/appdata/frigate':'/config':'rw'
      -v '/mnt/user/frigate_data/':'/media/frigate':'rw'
      -v '':'/trt-models':'ro'
      -v '/etc/localtime':'/etc/localtime':'rw'

      --mount type=tmpfs,target=/tmp/cache,tmpfs-size=100000000
      --restart unless-stopped 'ghcr.io/blakeblackshear/frigate:stable'

    docker: bad format for path: .


    Can you show a screenshot of the template before launching it?

    Thanks - was doing this late last night and I thought that just leaving the unused variables blank would be fine - removing them from the template worked. 

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  2. 6 hours ago, yayitazale said:

    Please read the docs and change the inputs of the variables according to your needs. Delete the variables if you are not using them.

    I did delete the variables I wasn't using - I'm getting this message just trying to install the docker container. 

  3. Hi - I guess I was using the older version of frigate - I just tried to get the new version working and I got the following error when it was installing - "bad format for path". Any ideas?


    docker run
      -e TZ="America/Denver"
      -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
      -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Unraid"
      -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="frigate"
      -e 'PLUS_API_KEY'=''
      -e 'LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME'=''
      -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
      -l net.unraid.docker.webui=''
      -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yayitazale/unraid-templates/main/frigate.png'
      -p '5000:5000/tcp'
      -p '8554:8554/tcp'
      -p '8555:8555/tcp'
      -p '8555:8555/udp'
      -p ':1984/tcp'
      -v '/mnt/user/appdata/frigate':'/config':'rw'
      -v '/mnt/user/frigate_data/':'/media/frigate':'rw'
      -v '':'/trt-models':'ro'
      -v '/etc/localtime':'/etc/localtime':'rw'
      --mount type=tmpfs,target=/tmp/cache,tmpfs-size=100000000
      --restart unless-stopped 'ghcr.io/blakeblackshear/frigate:stable'

    docker: bad format for path: .
    See 'docker run --help'.

  4. So I found at least one of the issues - one of my sticks of ram was bad. I was able to get the server up and running, mover was working fine, could read and write to the cache drives fine. However, as soon as I started docker, the cache went to read only again. I removed the docker image and recreated it (adding apps from the previous apps section) and before it could even finish adding all my apps, the cache drive went read only again. No corruption errors this time. I'm beginning to think one of the files for docker itself (not the image) is corrupted, or something in my app data? But the server runs fine until I try to start docker. Attached are diagnostics from last night when this happened. 


  5. Thanks for your help @JorgeB! When I did the 'btrfs dev stats' command there were a lot of errors. I removed the ram overclock, checked the cables to the SSDs again, ran a scrub, and set up the 'btrfs dev stats' script on a schedule. Hopefully everything will continue to work this time around. 


    Scrub stats here: 

    UUID: 39eb07fa-6f31-43bb-b9e0-e5bc3349ce85

    Scrub started: Fri Apr 7 00:10:39 2023

    Status: finished

    Duration: 0:11:18

    Total to scrub: 240.50GiB

    Rate: 389.42MiB/s

    Error summary: verify=3123 csum=6073889

    Corrected: 6076994

    Uncorrectable: 18

    Unverified: 0

  6. Hey everyone – I’m been trying to troubleshoot an error for over a month now and I can’t figure it out.  I have a pretty big array (10 disks total, double parity, 68TB usable) with a btrfs cache with parity (originally I had two 256 GB and two 1 TB SSD’s for 1.25 TB of cache).

    A little over a month ago all my docker containers stopped working. I started getting errors saying my cache drive was read only. Restarting the server would fix things temporarily, but then at some random point (sometimes the same day, sometimes a few days later), docker would die again.

    Here’s what I tried:

    1)      Rebuilding the docker image.

    2)      Replacing my SSDs (took the existing 4 out and put in two brand new 1 TB SSDs

    3)      Changing the cables to my SSDs

    4)      Changing the OS version to 6.12.0-rc2

    5)      Changing where frigate writes to to an nvme (and not my main cache)

    At this point I’m kinda out of ideas. Maybe it’s still bad cables to my SSDs resulting in them being unplugged when it gets too cold in my server room? I don’t feel like I use my server significantly more/differently than anyone else, the only thing I do that’s pretty taxing is run frigate for CCTV – I have that set up for 24/7 recording so that is a lot of writing to cache, but I figured moving that to the nvme would solve that problem. Diagnostics attached, Fix Common Problems is not showing any errors right now. When I try to reenable docker, it fails to start currently. I can rebuild the docker image again, and it'll work for a while (this last time was 4 days), but I fear I’m just in a loop of rebuilding my docker image every few days. Before this it worked solidly for well over a year. 


  7. Alright, still struggling but hopefully making some progress? On the ARP list on my router, two entries are coming up for my server ( - both of them go away when I turn the server off. The 2c.XX one is the mac address of the motherboard - I don't know what the 64.XX one is. But maybe that is the issue? I do have reserved for the 2c.XX mac address in the dhcp menu on my router. 


  8. If it helps, here are the specs:
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X

    Motherboard: MSI MAG B550 Mortar

    GPU: Nvidia 1660 Super

    Ram: 32 GB 

    Drives: In main array: 68 TB usable made up of 6 (10 TB) + 2 (4 TB) + 2 (10 TB for parity), 1.25 TB Cache: 2 (1 TB SSD) + 2 (250GB SSD), dedicated 1 TB NVME for VM


    And I mostly use it for backups, frigate (home cameras), jellyfin (media server), and as a VM


  9. I've been looking for an answer to this for a while and really dug into it this weekend. Basically a while ago one of my docker containers stopped working (MeTube, it downloads youtube videos). I also noticed that I couldn't access the "Apps" store (Download of appfeed failed) and couldn't check for updates for unraid. But my windows VM in unraid could access the internet just fine.

    After reading a few threads (like this one) I tried to change my static ip assignment to DHCP in unraid. My router is also set up to reserve that same ip for my server, so I thought everything would work. When I changed it to DHCP, it got a 169.XXX.XXX.XXX ip address (it should be 192.168.0.XXX) and couldn't access the server. I tried everything I could think of, and even went so far as to reinstalling unraid with the newest stable version (6.10.3), still had the same issue. 

    Eventually I changed the network.cfg back to DHCP off/static ip on, and I was able to get back to the GUI, but I still have the same issue (that unraid/docker can't access the internet). I thought this might be an issue with wireguard, but I don't have anything set up with wireguard right now. 

    The thing I still don't get is why the VM in unraid is able to access the internet, but unraid and docker apps can't. Attached are diagnostics. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


  10. I keep getting this error when trying to add a video to download - any ideas? Metube was working for me back in December

    Error adding URL: ERROR: [youtube:tab] PLc2DXFHTVWiHEfVnxVnMcWJ1jQRoAK6MI: Unable to download API page: <urlopen error [Errno -3] Try again> (caused by URLError(gaierror(-3, 'Try again')))

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