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Everything posted by Blackpaw

  1. 99% of the issues seem to be with upstream qbittorrent, the 4.x versions have been a problem outside of docker on windows and linux. I've had endless problems with very large torrent download just throwing an error with nothiing in the logs. I rolled back to 4.3.9 and its been rock solid since.
  2. Ummm... embarrassing, but please ignore everything I wrote, I appear to have been setting the download quota in qbt, not the upload quota. Total extended brain fart, I blame lack of sleep and work deadlines Sorry for wasting your time, Getting 4-5Mb down now.
  3. It was odd, one thing I noticed was that in the status bar my download speed would show the upload quota in [] next to it and my download seemed to be capped at whatever I entered for the upload quota in settings. Can't check it right now as I'm backing the VM up, but will test more in the morning and maybe try it with openvpn.
  4. Wow! It was my upload rate, looks like I had it set too low (128k), I bumped it up to 16384k and my download speeds started peaking at 5MiB, which is as good as it gets for me I've have never encountered this before, something peculiar to arch qBitorrent? Regardless, a happy camper now, thanks! Will send beer money
  5. Thanks for the great docker package, much smoother to install than my previous setup - seperate qbittorent and vpn containers. Love the way it auto sets the port forward for qBittorrent. I've installed on a debian docker vm and its working ok, but download speeds are very slow, as in 10k - 130k, this with "ISOs" thta have many seeders (10+), with my previous setup I was getting up to 4.5Mb/s Could be just pia playing up, but I'm wondering if my config is the problem, do you see anything? Host is a debian bullseye vm on Proxmox. Have tried with au-sydney, netherlands and toronto Thanks! version: '3.7' services: qbittorrentvpn: image: binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn container_name: qbitvpn privileged: true volumes: - /root/appdata/qbittorrentvpn/config:/config - /mnt/plex:/mnt/plex environment: - PUID=998 - PGID=998 - TZ=Australia/Brisbane - VPN_ENABLED=yes - VPN_USER=p********* - VPN_PASS=********** - VPN_PROV=pia - VPN_CLIENT=wireguard - STRICT_PORT_FORWARD=yes - ENABLE_PRIVOXY=yes - LAN_NETWORK= - WEBUI_PORT=8080 sysctls: - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1 ports: - "6881:6881" - "6881:6881/udp" - "8080:8080" - "8118:8118" restart: unless-stopped
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