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Everything posted by Taschmahal

  1. So i tried to remove all parameters from Action and changed it to "move". And also changed my series formats (my testfile) to "series/{plex}" - nothing happens. I have also tried if i am missing / by the folder structures. Is there any setup with screenshots and explanations for a unraid doccker configuration, or how else can i setup the AMC and what do i have to do then with the docker setup (default settings?). Thanks for the support.
  2. Hello, sry for the late answer, i was in recovery from a health issue. I am using it in die Docker configuration: notice: I've already changed the pw form the first screenshot
  3. Hey guys and sry in advance, i used filebot in the gui on a windows machine quiet alot over the years. Now i've setup an unraid server and installed the filebot docker to use the amc script, it's like i'm not able to get it done anything. How do i have to set it up in the docker? storage: /mnt/user watch: /mnt/user/media/download/output/extracted *note - JDownloader extracts to /extracted - so in there are subfolders by packagename which include the video-files output: /mnt/user/media action: filebot -script fn:amc --output "/mnt/user/media" --action duplicate -non-strict "/mnt/user/media/download/output/extracted" --log-file amc.log --def excludeList=amc.txt music format: music/{plex} movie format: tv series format: series/{n.replace(':',' -')}/Season_{s00}/{n.replace(':',' -')} - {s00e00} - {t.replace(':',' -')} - {vf} anime format: anime/{plex} the naming schemes worked fine on windows gui filebot. What am i doing wrong, what needs to change? I've got a tv series file directly in the /extracted and in /extraced/nameoffile/nameoffile.mkv Filebot doesnt copy/rename/relocate anything.
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