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Everything posted by WarblingWhales

  1. That's what I thought as well. (See my earlier post about it trying to work with the andriod app). A bit of background, I had audiobookshelf installed directly on my host machine (a ubuntu server) and wanted to move it to a docker container. After much banging of head on wall, I finally got it to work, with an incorrect mapping of the audiobooks folder. Everything was hunky dory. And then you left a comment and it got me thinking. I did a little more digging in the config folder to see what was going on. All my audiobooks had their full path mapped within the *.json files (IE /usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobook/Paradise Lost/ ). Which works fine for the bare metal install, however, the docker container tried to read those json and went "Hey, there is no /usr/share/audiobookshelf folder, permission denied". By mapping my audiobooks to /usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks in the container, everything worked out. However, to have the container match the documentation of volume mapping -v <my audiobook folder>:/audiobooks I had to do two things: I had to tweak fullpath in /config/Libraries/data/data.0.json to point to /audiobooks instead of /usr/share/aduiobookshelf/audiobookshelf run a Force Rescan of the library in the gui (gear wheel -> Libraries -> Force Rescan under the proper library) I'll fix my answer above to reflect this.
  2. Wanted to provide an update. Was able to get the Docker container up and running, have it run under a Linux service id, and can hit both from a browser AND the android app. Here is my docker run command: docker run \ -d \ --user 999:999 \ -p 14231:80 \ -v <path to my audiobooks folder>:/audiobooks \ -v <path to my config folder>:/config \ -v <path to my metadata folder>:/metadata \ -v <path to my podcasts folder>:/podcasts \ --name audiobookshelf \ ghcr.io/advplyr/audiobookshelf A few things to note: I'm not using `-e AUDIOBOOKSHELF_UID` and `-e AUDIOBOOKSHELF_GID`. Using those two enviromental variables resulted in the container running as root, which is a security concern. By using `--user 999:999`, the container is able to run as user id 999 (which is the UID/GID of a system user called audiobookshelf), and is limited to only locations where that users has access If your copying a library/filesystems over from a install on server into a container, Then you need to do two things. If you don't do the below, then you'll run into permission issues and books not being found change the fullpath string in /config/Libraries/data/data.0.json to point to /audiobooks instead of /where it currently points to (for example /usr/bin/share/audiobookshelf/somefolder/audiobooks to /audiobooks) run a Force Rescan of the library in the gui (gear wheel -> Libraries -> Force Rescan under the proper library) To access the docker container from a website, I just had to do http://MY_SERVER_ID_ADDRESS:14231. To use the app with this container, I used the same URL - http://MY_SERVER_ID_ADDRESS:14231. Next steps: What I'm working on now is trying to set it up a reverse proxy with a subfolder using nginx. Do note, this isn't a subdomain (audiobookshelf.cooldomain.com), this is a subfolder (cooldomian.com/audiobookshelf). There are two aspects to this. First, hitting the container through a website's subfolder. Say https://www.cooldomain.com/audiobookshelf . Second, using nginx to stream from an external port (59322) to the port exposed above (14231). When I figure that out, I'll post to this site for all y'all.
  3. Reading between the lines, I should, theoretically, be able to use the app with the standard docker container from the git repo, correct? If that's the case, knowing it works helps narrows down the possibilities of where the issues are and to how to resolve them. Let me bang my head against the wall for a bit to see if I can figure out how to get it to work. If I figure it out, I'll reach back out and help set up and FAQ for https://www.audiobookshelf.org/ Thanks!
  4. Love what's going on with this project. So I've installed ABS via the deb install on my server, and have had no trouble using the web interface and and the andriod app with it. I tried using the docker container, and was able to use the web interface just fine (using nginx to reverse proxy to the docker port) However, when I try the andriod app with the docker version of ABS, get a "cannot ping server" error. I'm wondering, is the docker container usable with an andriod/apple app? If not, is it possible for my to alter the Dockerfile in some way to make is usable with the apps? Thanks