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Everything posted by kastem34

  1. Thank you for the hint, I have updated the template, in like 2 hours from now it should be updated, feel free to tell me if it works.
  2. I have updated the file https://github.com/KasteM34/unraid-templates/blob/main/vault/vault.xml
  3. Hi @Jclendineng, I think you would need to create/build a Dockerfile yourself in this case. on another way, after some research, there is some hints here for example : https://github.com/ehazlett/docker-volume-libsecret not sure if the installation of libsecret would work on unraid OS, but if it does, then you should be able to call vault in templates with extra parameters.
  4. Hello, I have created a video about this application yesterday and added it in the main message. Enjoy!
  5. Asking kindly to a moderator to move this topic in the DOCKER CONTAINERS section. Thanks!
  6. Application Name: Vault Application Site: https://www.vaultproject.io/ Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/_/vault Github: https://github.com/hashicorp/docker-vault Manage secrets and protect sensitive data. Create and secure access to tokens, passwords, certificates, and encryption keys. Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords, certificates, and more. Vault provides a unified interface to any secret, while providing tight access control and recording a detailed audit log. Here is a video about this container. This image is an official one, I do not manage it, though, I will do my best to support it here. The app is going to install HashiCorp Vault with a file backend (default), you can change this backend if you want to, with other parameters in VAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG variable : NOTE : At startup, the container will read configuration HCL and JSON files from /vault/config (any information passed into VAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG is written into local.json in this directory and read as part of reading the directory for configuration files). Please see Vault's configuration documentation for a full list of options. {"backend": {"file": {"path": "/vault/file"}},"listener": {"tcp": {"address": "", "tls_disable": 1}}, "ui": true} Port : Vault is using port 8200 (default). Volumes : We have two volumes in your installation : - file : mandatory as you want the secrets to persist to your disks. - logs : only if you want to audit logs. (commands in General usage section) Setup : You can setup Vault from the WebUI, but I will go with the CLI. After launching the app, install vault in your OS as a client : https://www.vaultproject.io/downloads Set VAULT_ADDR to your Unraid server IP. export VAULT_ADDR='' Create key shares and set a threshold about how many keys you need to unseal Vault. vault operator init -key-shares=6 -key-threshold=3 e.g output (Keep these keys and Root token safe and do not share them!): Unseal Key 1: xDElr...IofCZFSvPe Unseal Key 2: 2TQgn...vyQ7fSdSWR Unseal Key 3: JALI...EpHFSw7SsI Unseal Key 4: knzg...xEFwfwWSbKQ Unseal Key 5: bJJmA...DSwfsddOTc Unseal Key 6: xft8...aTdVSTYZg5 Initial Root Token: hvs.tnhE...y8NkA Run unseal command 3 times with different keys every time (depends of your threshold number): NOTE : best practice would be to not write the key directly, and only type "vault operator unseal", so the keys is not in your cli history. vault operator unseal xDElr...IofCZFSvPe vault operator unseal 2TQgn...vyQ7fSdSWR vault operator unseal knzg...xEFwfwWSbKQ After 3 times running this command, you should see Sealed false Now Vault is unsealed, you can login to vault : NOTE : best practice would be to not write the token directly, and only type "vault login", so the token is not in your cli history. vault login hvs.tnhE...y8NkA Example Usage : There is many secret engine you can use : https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/secrets/ In this example, I will use the KV Engine as it's the most basic one. Enable the KV (Key Value) Engine https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/secrets/kv : vault secrets enable -version=1 -path=secret kv Create our first secret : vault kv put secret/my-vault/password password=123456 List our secret : vault kv list secret/ vault kv list secret/my-vault/ Read the secret (defaults in table format): vault kv get secret/my-vault/password ====== Data ====== Key Value --- ----- password 123456 Read the secret in json format: vault kv get --format=json secret/my-vault/password { "request_id": "31915c6c-2f8f-f7c4-146c-3dc81e80033c", "lease_id": "", "lease_duration": 2764800, "renewable": false, "data": { "password": "123456" }, "warnings": null } Read only the password value in the secret: vault kv get -field=password secret/my-vault/password 123456 Create a key with multiple secrets : vault kv put secret/nextcloud/db db_name=nextcloud username=nextcloud_user password=secret Read secrets in json : vault kv get --format=json secret/nextcloud/db { "request_id": "db9604e4-f2eb-a529-c7f3-448b2846f565", "lease_id": "", "lease_duration": 2764800, "renewable": false, "data": { "db_name": "nextcloud", "password": "secret", "username": "nextcloud_user" }, "warnings": null } Only read username field : vault kv get -field=username secret/nextcloud/db nextcloud_user Delete our secrets : vault kv delete secret/nextcloud/db If you want to activate the audit logs : vault audit enable file file_path=/vault/logs/vault_audit.log If you want to disable the audit logs : vault audit disable file Vault is pretty fun and there is ton of different usages, from your bash scripts, in your code, in your CI/CD pipeline, SSH OTP, dynamic secrets, cloud provider authentication... have fun! Please post any questions/issues relating to this docker you have in this thread.