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  1. Dear Protectli: I have some doubts. 1-Why don’t you offer WIFI ac in Europe? 2-Why don’t you offer 4 LTE options in Europe? Can I buy both of them in any way? 3-Can I use a Protectli Vault with two different WANs? I suppose that yes. I suppose I can confit each OPT port in pfSense like I want. the same manner than in my current VM pfSense. But I want your confirmation. 4-Is it your intention to launch a new Vault near in the time with 10GB ports? 5-Why don’t you show in your website a comparative between the performance of your Vault’s and the Netgate products. How I am know as a consumer how important is the CPU in the control of the communications (states, max speed, etc…) Netgate has a YouTube video where they guarantee in their 6100 model that each port is independent of the others and that one of them never will generate a bottleneck over the rest. Can Protectli guarantee the same? For me is strange that Netgate 6100 has a motherboard two times of the size of a Protectli i7 top. Does Netgate put their efforts in performance rather in mount top CPUs like Protectli does? How can a costumer to know if the performance is better with a Netgate or with Protectli Vaults? I don’t find any YouTube video that compares both brands with the same infrastructure and test. But it should be really easy to do with iPerf. And it should be a devastating sales pitch for either brand. Also for other users, I would like to say that even when the Netgate has internal ports to upgrade the hardware (NVME, even LTE ports) an employee of Netgate in a video explained that he doesn’t recommend to do it because they have implemented ports thinking in the “standards of the future” so is very easy to damage the hardware. Thanks for your answers.
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