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Everything posted by toof22

  1. That would be amazing! I do not want the newest cutting edge update as I like to spend as little time on my server as possible without needing to check to see if there are any potential new bugs.
  2. An update, finally got it working! I spent some hours trying to remove the BIOS/boot screen on the card, complicated by my motherboard being too new to use freeDOS on USB. I decided to stop trying. So in the end I emailed Art of Server to ask advice and he kindly provided information on what to do. It was taping over pins B5&6 and disabling CSM in the motherboard BIOS. That allowed the server to boot into the motherboard BIOS however it would not boot unRAID, so I needed to rename a folder on the unRAID USB to allow UEFI unRAID booting: I cannot say if taping the pins was needed or if disabling CSM alone was enough - i'm not gonna take the tape off as it took too long to cut the correct size! Glad to finally be able to finish building my server. 😊
  3. I will give removing BIOS a try. How can I know which motherboard is compatible with the HBA card? My build is https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/user/rawr87/saved/j9xHWZ Thanks for the reply!
  4. Hi everyone I have a Gigabyte Z590 VISION G unRAID server setup that works fine, I bought a LSI 9211-8i SAS2008 that has IT mode firmware flashed. When I plug it into the unRAID server it will not get past the BIOS flash screen and I cannot enter BIOS either. The light on the HBA card is flashing as normal. I've tried putting it in different PCI slots (there's none in use other than the HBA card) without success. The HBA card works fine in my main PC. I have tried taping over pins 5 & 6 as wrote in a few posts here but it made no difference. Does anyone have any idea where to go from here? Is my motherboard just not compatible? I'm running the latest F7b BIOS. Maybe removing BIOS from the card as shown here will help? Appreciate any help or pointers! ☺️
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