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Everything posted by MagicMayo

  1. At a minimum I would say you need to set the type you are looking for in the `find` command. In this case, you are looking for a file so you would set the `-type` flag to `f`. Your command would end up looking like `find ./ -name '*.json' -type f`. The other thing it looks like is happening is that this script is running from the root of your file system given the locations it's looking in. The plugin puts your script in a specific directory so you will have to first `cd` into the correct directory in the script or make your find command more explicit in where it's supposed to be "finding" things. If you know where the find command is supposed to be looking I would do that. So that command should look like `find /mnt/user/unraid/homes/googlephoto -name '*.json' -type f`
  2. @Squid I just submit a change to the code to get this functionality in if you want to look it over
  3. You can use sh -c to run it with shell instead of the bare command. So you could try #!/bin/bash docker exec binhex-qbittorrentvpn sh -c 'curl -c ~/mam.cookies -b ~/mam.cookies https://t.myanonamouse.net/json/dynamicSeedbox.php' Don't forget to quote the command!
  4. You could try this '0 0 1-7 * */5'. This basically says to only run the cron if it falls on the fifth day of the week and only for days 1-7 of the month. Since there's only one Friday a week this should work for you. Also, check out crontab.guru for a cron generator and something to explain the syntax.
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