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Report Comments posted by ericswpark

  1. Still happens on 6.11.5. I have the following setup:


    container A, B, C, ...

    (network none, custom network option set to pass through container X)


    container X


    Whenever container X automatically updates (Docker auto-update), container A, B, C and all others that route through X fail to come online. Going into the Docker tab shows rebuilding for about three seconds, before the containers all come online. But the bug here is that the UnRAID logo remains in the center as a loading indicator, and the page refreshes over and over again as UnRAID keeps restarting the dependent containers over and over again. At this point the loop can be broken by stopping JavaScript execution with the X button and refreshing the tab. Then everything will work.


    But this workaround is very annoying to do every time container X updates. Hoping for a fix to this bug!

  2. Also encountered this problem, but only once: the "Update All" button updated all the containers, then went on an infinite loop of updating where it would try and pull an updated image (and pull nothing because the image was already up to date), stop and destroy the container, then create a new container. Refreshing the page seemed to kill the update loop, although I'm not sure if the updating process ever did stop. IIRC 6.11.x has a change where update processes continue to run in the background even if the user navigates away from the page, right?


    Anyways, I only encountered the bug once and subsequent "update all" clicks worked as expected. Hate that it's sporadic and there's no clear trigger for the bug.


    EDIT: I encountered this bug once on 6.11.0. After updating to 6.11.1 it happened again when I initially updated all of the outdated Docker images. Refreshing stopped the loop (I think).

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