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  1. Decided to click add server and then type the IP in and now I can see it, thank you.
  2. Do I need to change something to get the server name to change? That way in case someone else has the same name?
  3. Yeah, I know the feeling, as I have 6 children. The only thing I have changed was +maxplayers 4 +map c1m1_hotel. Is there something else I need to change?
  4. You just repeated yourself. No, it is not showing up.
  5. When trying to start L4D2 server, I keep getting Missing interface adapter for STEAMUGC_INTERFACE_VERSION016, and it stops there.
  6. Okay, how do you log into the web interface or bring up the console to use for MTA:SA?
  7. Not sure what you mean by modding, as I never asked you about modding. I was asking about the docker you made and supply. Thank you for your time.
  8. Well their documentation is not helpful as the command they provide does not work in console from the docker. I manually added a user to the file, but I don't see a way to add a password. Could you better explain on what I need to do?
  9. Hello, I just installed multitheftauto, and the webgui does not seem to want to allow me to login no matter what I put. Is there something I am missing?
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