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Everything posted by diogotr7

  1. Let me clarify my request: Do you think it would make sense to accept the modpack version as an environment variable? It would allow users to update to newer versions of each modpack without the need for you to do so manually. I'm playing a beta version of my modpack and since your containers seem to target latest stable, i can't play it without modifications. Could even make the user pick latest stable or beta when installing the app, and get the corresponding id with the script i mentioned. Sorry if it seems like i'm being annoying, just trying to make your life easier as a maintainer
  2. Hey @Goobaroo , awesome job on the containers, they're very easy to use! I have a suggestion regarding modpack versions that might make your life easier: you can call the modpacks.ch api and get the installer id with the version string. For example, I want to play version 1.14.0 of the OceanBlock modpack but i noticed the latest container targets 1.12.0 which is the latest stable. The launch.sh script could do something like curl -s https://api.modpacks.ch/public/modpack/91 | jq '.versions[] | select(.name=="1.14.0") | .id' Where both the modpack id (91 for OceanBlock) and the version (1.14.0 in this case) could be changed but the rest remains the same. That particular snippet prints out "2230" which is the id needed for the installer. Please let me know if you find this useful. Also: I'm new to unraid so this might be a stupid question, but is there a reason these packages cause me a lot more permission headaches than other ones? Again, thanks for these containers, very useful.
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