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Posts posted by Gragorg

  1. 13 hours ago, DerAndi said:

    Hallo zusammen,


    ich glaube ich habe hier irgendwo schon im Thread jemanden gesehen der die IO Crest am laufen hat mit 5 Port.


    O Crest Interne PCI-E x4 Controllerkarte


    mich Interessiert natürlich wie lange diese schon im Einsatz ist und ob die einwandfrei mit Unraid funktioniert oder  ob die gar Probleme macht? Frage deshalb da ich bald eine Karte für die Erweiterung brauch.



    Diese Karte sollte gut funktionieren. Es handelt sich um einen unterstützten Chipsatz und eine anständige Marke.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I have a new drive coming tomorrow.  I have a backup copy of the data on that disk.  I was thinking that after I rebuild it I should overwrite the contents back to the drive to eliminate any corruption that may have happened.  Can I mount the backup copy to UD and copy the files to directly to the disk5 after the rebuild using Dynamix file manager? Thanks

  3. So when I did my parity check this month I had an issue with a drive connection resetting so it took longer than normal.  When i completed the parity check it send a notification (telegram) that said it took "1 day, 9 hr, 4 min, 14 sec".  In reality it took "1 day, 17 hr, 29 min, 10 sec" and I can see that clearly in the history.  Yesterday I went to address the drive that was resetting  connection but since I had a warm spare already in my machine I just used it to rebuild.  The rebuild notification reported "1 day, 17 hr, 29 min, 10 sec" was the completion time.  In reality it took "8 hr, 20 min, 35 sec" as it is clearly listed in the history.  It seems to be sending the previous time.  Is this a known bug?

  4. The requirement for an array device is going to be removed in a future release.  The ZFS zpool has higher performance but drives do not spin down.  The array allows you mix and match hard drive sizes and expand one drive at a time when needed.  It also spins down unused drives to save power but performance is limited to the performance of a single drive as data is not striped.  If you lose one drive your data is covered in both cases (array and raidz).  If you lose two drives the raidz pool you would lose your data while the array would only lose the two failed disks and all remaining data would be intact.  You can add a second parity to the array to have a two disk fault tolerance. 

  5. I would run an extended smart test on the disk.  CRC errors are usually a connection issue.  However if the Realocated sector count and  Reported uncorrect increase it could be a disk problem and I would change the disk.  I believe CRC errors are already corrected.

  6. 15 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    I believe this is normal if you use macvlan with bridging disabled, try ipvlan if it works for you.

    This seems to be the case for me I am using macvlan with bridging disabled.  What really threw my for a loop is my netgear RAXE 500 actually sees both them for the same ip while my old router did not.

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