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Everything posted by elzik

  1. Thanks, I appreciate it. The button now appears to attempt to pull but nothing gets pulled - I think maybe all the images are up to date. However, the Docker Tab and Fix Common Problems believe there are still updates for all containers in my stack - is this to be expected?
  2. I am experiencing the same on Unraid 6.10.3: I have to use: docker compose pull ...on the command line and the bring the stack up using the "Compose Up" button. The "Update Stack" button simply displays a list of contaners in the stack, each one listed as "Running". Nothing else happens. However, even when I do this on the command line and see the containers updated the Docker Tab and Fix Common Problems beleieve there are still updates for all containers in my stack.
  3. It's not immediately obvious what the problem is. Could you please: Attach a copy of your template (with token redacted, if present) from: /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-mecon.xml Let me know the output of the following: mecon config -ls You can send me this via private message if you'd rather not make it public.
  4. Thanks for the suggestion. I could and I appreciate the intent but doing so is problematic. If I was to include the volume mount in the template with an empty source path on the host ready to fill in by the end user, it will error if they neglect to do so - I want running the container to succeed by default. If I was to include a default path to get round this but it doesn't exist, it will be created on host - maybe not what the user is expecting and it is actually recommended not to do this (see point 3 here and more detail here).
  5. Introduction Media Reconciler, or simply mecon, is a cross-platform command line tool which reconciles media within a directory with media in a Plex library. For a given directory of files, it answers simple questions such as: Which files have failed to have been added to a Plex library? Which files exist in a Plex library? Which files have been watched by all users? Which files have been watched by a sub-set of users? Quick Start Install the container from Community Applications Set Plex host URL & token variables in Docker template Add read-only volume mounts for your media directories in Docker template Start the container Run the mecon command line app by: Using docker exec in the Unraid terminal: docker exec -t mecon mecon <arguments> Or... SSH into the container or open Unraid's web-based console for the container and use: mecon <arguments> A simple example of <arguments> would be finding files in the /Films directory (this must be made available as a volume mount) that you'd expect to have been added to a Plex library but haven't for some reason. In this case we limit our search to MKV files: mecon -d /Films -e mkv -L For full documentation see the readme where examples of all the above use-cases and more are given along with details on how to configure the application to avoid repeatedly providing the same arguments. GitHub: https://github.com/elzik/mecon GitHub packages: https://github.com/elzik/mecon/pkgs/container/mecon Documentation: https://github.com/elzik/mecon#mecon Template: https://github.com/elzik/unraid-templates/blob/main/mecon.xml
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