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Posts posted by hermy65

  1. I ran into an interesting issue that hopefully i can get some insight on. I added a smb share in unassigned devices and mounted it, then i installed duplicati and had the destination folder be the newly mapped smb share. I started the backup procedure but after ~5 minutes of it running duplicati itself goes unresponsive. I cannot access the webgui, i cannot stop/restart the container and docker in general appears to only be partially functional afterwards. If i try to stop the array it never actually stops because the duplicati container wont stop. If i end up getting it rebooted and the array back online then as soon as duplicati runs again the same situation happens.


    Any ideas?

  2. Im getting a weird issue here an am running out of ideas. I ran my first backup last week and the backup completed successfully however my linuxserver/mariadb container refused to function and nothing that used that container would work either. I ended up having to remove the databases and then move the backed up files back to the appdata folder and then mariadb started functioning normally again. I assumed it was something to do with the backup so i excluded it at that point. Last night the backup ran again and mariadb was not backed up as intended, however the same issue persists where the container wont function and nothing can connect to it. I assume it has something to do with the way this plugin is stopping containers or updating them or something. Any ideas?

  3. Is there any way to leverage this plugin or maybe some other solution to notify you if files that already have checksums are missing?


    Use case: Im 99% positive i moved all of our baby pictures to the server weeks ago and yet today i cannot find them anywhere. Maybe i accidentally deleted them somehow or some other magic happened. Basically im looking for something that can tell me if something that was there is no longer there anymore.

  4. I was doing a large restore yesterday and at some point my server locked up completely so i had to power it off. Today when i went tried to connect back to Crashplan to continue the restore i get this message when i go to the link in the log - http://Storage:4280/vnc.html?host=Storage&port=4280


    noVNC ready: native WebSockets, canvas rendering



    Is that how we are supposed to be accessing Crashplan or are there better ways?



  5. Has anybody run into any issues with comictagger? Whenever i try to write tags to a book it tells me Save Failed. I did a little looking and on various forums it mentions that it cant save to cbr's without rar/unrar installed. I cant seem to locate rar/unrar in the container when doing a whereis command and i cant seem to install it either. Not sure if thats the cause but im hoping someone can lend me some input

  6. Maybe i missed this while searching this thread so apologies in advance.


    I was using CrashPlan while on unRAID v5 and just updated to the newest beta. I installed the CrashPlan container and pointed the config folder to the folder i had been using on 5 and it doesnt pick up where it left off, it makes me sign in again and start over. Is there anyway to just switch from plugin to container and keep everything going as it was without having to set everything back up?

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