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Everything posted by Shuamann1

  1. Great thank you so much for taking the time to figure it out. I really appreciate it.
  2. Hey, so it seems I still have issues but IDK if it is me or the container that is the problem. I deleted the container and the appdata, then re-installed the container. I put my key in, generated the world, and logged in. When I tried to go into a cave it acted like it would load, then spat me back out at another cave entrance in the overworld. I went back into the cave and it did it again. It's like it's not actually connecting to the cave world, but it tries to. My logs are below: https://pastebin.com/1cdEuPNB
  3. I hopped into my server and could not see any caves on the map. Both instances were the same way. Different characters, no caves.
  4. It appears to be the same issue as this one from last year: Two servers show up, no caves generated. Followed previous instructions but no dice. Can post some logs if needed. Apologies, new to Unraid/Docker!
  5. The Don't Starve Together server doesn't seem to launch the caves correctly. It keeps launching a second overworld server that shows in the server browser instead of a caves instance. I have been messing with it all day but cannot get it to generate caves.
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