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Everything posted by _krazy_

  1. I will try to answer from what I remember. Getting this to work took a solid week. The nerd tools the name is ipmitool. It is an IPMI - Intelligent Platform Management Interface. I have no idea why the sensor-detect won't work. Google is going to be your friend if you are trying to get this to work. I can tell you one thing, almost the same board is the same as different. Bios, production run, processor, as well as anything else means google time. My next build will be an OEM just for this reason because I don't have as much free time these days. Good luck.
  2. ASRock X470D4U Write up. I barely know what I am doing so I will not answer most questions. This is just a quick write up to help some other poor soul that is lost. After installing IMPI Tools, you need to then install IPMI. I did it with Nerd Tools. IPMI Tools is just a fan control basically. Now time to get the drivers installed. In terminal run “sensor-detect”. Answer “Yes” (by pressing Enter) to every question except the last prompt- you do not need to automatically generate the config file. The output will be pretty long, and result in the something that looks like the following. Copy this block of text – you’ll need it in the next step. #----cut here---- # Chip drivers modprobe coretemp modprobe nct6775 /usr/bin/sensors -s #----cut here---- Open unraids go file. nano /boot/config/go Take the lines that start with modprobe from the sensors-detect output and add them to your ‘go’ file. Do not add in the ‘/user/bin/sensors -s’ line. Save and quit nano (Ctrl-X, Yes) Reboot your unRAID server. (Or, alternatively, you can run the modprobe commands from the command line to load the kernel modules without rebooting). Credit goes to: https://kmwoley.com/blog/controlling-case-fans-based-on-hard-drive-temperature/ Installing the correct scripts. Now you should be able to follow this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38108-plugin-ipmi-for-unraid-61/?do=findComment&comment=984253 This will get the correct scripts in place to make the app work. You should be able to see fans when you use the config button in the fan control of IPMI Tool. The explanation for this is credited to: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38108-plugin-ipmi-for-unraid-61/?do=findComment&comment=974728 Finishing up. The fan control should be able to see the fans and control them. Need to make it permanent so when the sever reboots the files we just installed get put back again. I downloaded them to “cd /mnt/user/ “ and then used the wget and chmod from above. Remember that you can just use “v” in the terminal to list things. If you don’t have “User Scripts” installed then get to it. Then use this script from Gunny and set it to run at array start. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38108-plugin-ipmi-for-unraid-61/?do=findComment&comment=1175892 Fan settings: The fan speeds and temperature settings need to be set correctly or your fans will just run full out. Seems the min for ASRock with Noctua fans is 30%. Check these links out. https://www.truenas.com/community/resources/how-to-change-ipmi-sensor-thresholds-using-ipmitool.35/ https://forums.servethehome.com/index.php?threads/asrock-rack-bmc-fan-control.26941/ These are my settings. I still have to mess with things to get the fans to read in the right position. My CPU fan is listed one down when configuring. But it works and the server is not screaming from the other room. Hope this helps someone.
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