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Everything posted by jbm715

  1. Hello. I recently upgraded a machine running ubuntu to 18.04 LTS and have had issues copying files from it to unraid v5.0.5. Sometimes files fail to copy over completely. I've noticed tons of these messages on ubuntu when looking at dmesg during the times when files fail to completely copy over. [67118.354289] CIFS VFS: Free previous auth_key.response = 0000000031186743 [67118.505856] CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server I've mounted the unraid shares with smb. In my /etc/fstab entries I've used 'vers=2.0' for them. So I'm wondering. Am I using the correct mount version?
  2. I currently have an ESXi host with 3 guest VMs: Unraid 5.0, a plex VM, and a 'download all the things' VM with docker containers. I want to get away from ESXi and move to a bare metal install of Unraid 6 and migrate all the containers. What I want is: unraid host with say ip plex container using the default bridged network nginx reverse proxy with it's own ip using macvlan with vlan id 5 and ip nzbget, sonarr, etc reverse proxied by nginx and using it's net mode My firewall currently already handles multiple tagged and untagged vlans on a trunk from the ESXi box so I'm good from that standpoint. My question is: Is this a doable with unraid? I imagine I can't do some of the networking view the UI which is fine as I'm used to dealing with the docker cli.
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