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  1. Hi Did you solve this problem I think I maybe having the same problem. Finally had a log report the same error. All my problems started when trying frigate/coral/hardware decoding
  2. Just an update. Server has been up for 5 days now. So it was either macvlan or the quick sync. I guess I’ll keep it running for another week and then try switching back to quick sync.
  3. Thanks for the info, I have change the custom network over to ipvlan. Im not completely sure but i think the custom network br0 was already present i just used it for pihole. I had frigate working a couple of days with the P400 before switching to quicksync. so unsure how much frigate is playing in this.
  4. Sorry that was the dia from putting back in the p400 I will get an old one load from the crash. yes I have a mixture of docker networks but it has never been a problem. What sort of problem does it cause in my current config?
  5. Hi new to the forum. Can anybody tell me if this is still a problem. My unraid server is crash/unresponsive every day or two. I’m running an Intel i7-8700. I’ve updated my motherboard bios and unraid to the latest versions Up until a week ago I had a plex container transcoding using a nvidia p400 and a VM running windows with blue Iris. it was rock solid with only rebooting when planned The igpu was passed through to the windows vm for blue Iris to use quicksync The only thing I have changed in the last week was to remove my Blue Iris VM which had the i7 igpu passed through to it. I removed Blue Iris as I am trying out Frigate in a container. I thought I and did remove the p400 and activated quicksync for both Plex and Frigate. I have syslog written to a cache drive which shows no errors. I have left a screen connected and will either be black or frozen. The crash’s/unresponsive events can happen any time with or with out Plex transcoding. Frigate is constantly using quicksync to decode video My next step is to disable the igpu in the bios and put the p400 back in. Any other ideas or directions would be very helpful
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