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Posts posted by ChaOConnor

  1.  Hi, running the latest unRaid OS with my servers previously setup.  Started getting certificate was invalid when I was clicking on tabs in my unRaid GUI.  Figured I was due for a reboot anyway, rebooted and now I can't access my server via the GUI.


    SSH and SMB work, I know the server is up.


    I removed the dynamix.unraid.net pluggin and rebooted, still can't access the GUI.  Whenever I put my IP in its redirecting me to my hash+myunraid.net


    Is there a way to remove all traces of myservers so I can access my server via it's IP through a browser without it redirecting?


    Any ideas/help?  Thanks!

  2. Okay, nothing was working.  I ended up backing up the USB drive and re-ran the USB creator.  Restored my configs and now it's working.  I'm really at a loss here though.  I hadn't been on the server for a month, no changes I mean.  It was just happily sharing out media to Plex and them bam, one reboot and it was all toast.  Very odd.  I'll add dockers back one at a time to see if anything triggers it again.

  3. Good Evening,


    My unRaid server was running slow and I'm getting ready to swap some smaller disks for larger ones.  I rebooted and after reboot, Docker failed to start.  I couldn't find anything that was a smoking gun, so some diagnosis steps suggested to delete the docker.img and recreate.  I can't create any new dockers, they always fail at the Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed.


    I've attached my log files, not sure what is going on.  Has anyone seen this before?  Searching the forum it recommends removing a line from the "go" file, but I don't have that line (related to a Binhex container).


    Appreciate any help anyone can offer!




  4. So yes, I've run New Permissions but not on the Appdata folder.  In fact I haven't run that in a long time and this just started.

    I used to have a problem filling the docker image, and upped it.  I long since figured out what was causing it and fixed it and just never dropped the size back down, I'll do that now.


    Those are NFS exports to my Plex box which runs on a stand alone Intel box for quicksync capabilities.


    Thanks for reading through the log files, I appreciate the time that took.  I guess I should back everything up, blow away the appdata directory and do a restore.  Thoughts?


    EDIT: That didn't work.  What should the permissions be in the appdata folder?

  5. Good morning!  Something strange has happened and all of my dockers can't write to their own files.  My Sonarr, Deluge, Krusader, etc. all of them show that their config files are locked or can't delete a temp file, etc.  Is there a way to apply the correct permissions for my dockers across the appdata folder?  Thanks!


    5 hours ago, binhex said:

    your issue will be most probably vpn provider related, please do the following:-


     Thank you!  It was the modprobe: FATAL: Module iptable_mangle not found in directory /lib/modules/4.19.107-Unraid error.  That made me re-look at my configs.  When I had restored this container it was from a previous backup that had the wrong LAN_NETWORK defined.  Interestingly though, if I manually ran the modprobe iptable_mangle command, I could access the WebUI even though I had the wrong LAN_NETWORK defined.  But I corrected it the proper way.  Thanks!

  7. On 7/3/2020 at 12:55 PM, GaryBellars said:

    Hello, please can someone help me. I am using SABNZBDVPN and although it is connecting fine in my Unraid docker, I am unable to load the WEB UI. It started working for me last weekend but has all of a sudden stopped again. I have rebooted my router and my server but nothing seems to be fixing it. All of my settings are fine in terms of getting it working and it is still downloading fine. I just can't access the WEB UI. Please if anyone knows what the issue might be I'd be very grateful.

    Same for this and DelugeVPN.  Working but can't access the WebUI.  Logs aren't showing anything unusual that I can see, just started happening. I've restarted the Docker service as well as the UnRaid server.  Thanks!

  8. Good evening! I'm trying to fix something that's been bothering me for a while now.  I have some shares in unRaid that are exported via NFS all using the same settings.  General setup is:


    - movies

    - music

    - tv

    - games


    Plex Box using autofs mounts the NFS shares:

    - movies --> movies

    - tv --> tv

    (here's where it gets weird)

    - music --> games


    I've verified the autofs script is right, and when I log in locally to unRaid if I browse to /mnt/user/music it lists the right directories, but on the plex box which is mapped to /mnt/user/music on unRaid, it shows the contents of the /mnt/user/games share!


    I've used NFS Share settings to copy the configs from working shares (movies & tv), I've line by line verified the plex config is correct, but even after multiple reboots it's as if unRaid is exporting the games share when other systems request the music share.  Any ideas?


  9. First off, thanks for this pluggin.  I installed it because I have a lot of photos on my unRaid share and I noticed a few of them weren't opening properly.  I suspected maybe the files were corrupt, so a bit late to the party, I installed the pluggin and ran a build to establish a baseline.  After a week, I got a notification there were like 400 errors found using BLAKE2.


    My question is if you have a good hash for what a file should be, can you use that to recreate what the file and restore the original? If so, how would you go about this?


    If you can't do what I described above, what can you do besides restore from a backup?  How should I be using this pluggin to protect files on the server verse an off-server backup?



  10. 12 hours ago, mbezzo said:

    V4.0 works great for me for awhile, then it completely stops resolving DNS.  I think it seems to be after the first reboot.  Anybody else figure out how to fix this?  If I nuke it all and reinstall - samething.  Works great for awhile, then no DNS resolution...

    I'm in the same boat.

  11. Not quite downloaded I think. But when I create a new movie it makes the blank directory and points to it. For all the IMDB list movies it put them under opt/radarr. It must have downloaded some otherwise it would have filled up like it did.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  12. Hi!  I messed up my IMDB list was putting folders under /opt/radarr and now my Radarr docker is filled up and causing my docker file to fill.


    Is there a way once I'm bash'd into the Radarr container to move all the directories from /opt/radarr to /movies where they should have been created if I had set it up properly?



  13. Thank you!  So I think it's still ticking up.  That's why I think there is something wrong.  All those drives can't possibly bad, so I'm "guessing" it's the SAS card?  That is the only common denominator after I swapped the SAS cables.


    Could the Dell PERC SAS card be the culprit for this?


    OBTW, I originally thought I had a bad PSU so I swapped that out too.



  14. Ever since upgrading to the latest version, I’m getting udma crc error count on my of my drives.


    I reseated the cables, didn’t work.


    I bought new SAS to SATA cables, still getting them.


    It’s happening to every drive. Could the Dell Perc cars be bad?





    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  15. Okay, so that's a solution if you're connected to a standalone PCI card, which is great that works, I could use that in another build.  But for space limited servers like my main rig, I can't add another PCI card.  In the the drive is connected direct to the Motherboard, there isn't away to blacklist that and pass that through? 


    I need to figure out a vfio-pci.ids command for a SATA devices, like vfio-sata.ids = 0:0:0:2 or something.

  16. I maybe missing something so simple, but I can't figure this out.

    I have a Win10 VM running as my daily driver.  There is a DVD Writer that's part of my Unraid system that just sits there.  It's connected to the MB via SATA cable and shows up as:

    SCSI Device

    [4:0:0:0]cd/dvd HL-DT-ST BD-RE BH08LS20 2.00 /dev/sr0


    How do I not have it available to the host and just pass it through so it appears as a native DVD drive under my Win10 VM? 


    Appreciate any help you can provide, thanks!


    - Cha

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