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Ed Wardo

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Everything posted by Ed Wardo

  1. Awesome. That'll do the trick! I didn't use the GUI to create the project. I had just used the terminal to create a new dir in the projects directory. Looking at the results of doing it through the GUI, it seems that it creates 2 text files: indirect and name I would assume you could convert a project by moving the files and then creating these to files after docker-compose down?
  2. I installed this plugin because I wanted to get musicbrainz running and there doesn't seem to be a supported App/Docker for musicbrainz. There is a supported way to install it with docker-compose https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-docker Musicbrainz isn't the easiest thing to get (or keep) running, but I decided to give it a shot. Its easy enough to use the plugin to create a compose stack and clone the repo, but the build process fails quite quickly. I started editing Dockerfile(s) and posted an issue on github, and finally got it running. In a nutshell, most issues were due to Unraid not allowing the cloned project files to keep their (execute) permissions. When docker-compose is building and it comes across a COPY command in a Dockerfile, it copies then without execute permissions and then one (or more) services don't start. I understand the security reasons why Unraid won't all executable files in /boot/config/plugins but how do others work around this? I tried to symlink out ot a volume in /mnt/user/appdata but can't symlink either.
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