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  1. Correct, you've got it. Those are what I'm on about. So, as everything is looking good, don't worry about mount point in future?
  2. Hi All, Potentially a silly question coming, however I just don't want any more issues. I've carried out some work on my Unraid server after having repeated disk failures with bad SAS cables. (Don't cheap out on these, if you looking at moving to Unraid systems btw... you'll learn the hard way like me). The only things hardware wise that has changed is my HBA card and the cables between the disks, however on booting into Unraid (After a few issues of disks not being picked up) I've got my system back online and working so far. The thing that I've noticed and what has got me concerned is that the mount points of the disks are different from the previous system. I believe I have read somewhere that the OS automatically hands these out at boot, however, this makes me ask the following question. Before doing the work, I manually kicked off the Parity check, so before doing this I had a valid and recent parity check-in. Schedule wise, my next parity check isn't until around 1st Jan, will I encounter issues if I leave the system as it is with drives having different mount points? I am half temped to hit the "new config" button, and let it rebuild parity anew, should I do this? or will I be ok? Thanks.
  3. Hey, Long story short, I've been moving house and well, I've accidentally binned my USB key. (It's unrecoverable). So I know my data is intact on the disks on my server, but without the USB I lack a OS & Configuration, is there any way to recover from this without losing the data on the drives? Sadly to add to my woe's, I have an picture of what my raid array was like around a month ago, but I've added two drives since then. I'll be contacting support to recover my license, and ask this same question, but does anyone know if a recovery from this point is possible, or is this to be one of those situations where I'll need to restart and build my homelab / media server again? Thanks,
  4. I should also note I currently have a this drive outside of the array, it's not been added back into it yet. But I have been running pre-clears on it so check it. The drive is effectively a few weeks old. (If it makes any difference).
  5. Hi, Can anyone help with the issue in the title. It seems my Unraid server is plagued with this specific issue that I can't seem to resolve. This issue seems to offline a disk and forces the disk to be emulated. It seems even with a new disk I'm encountering the same issues. I've attached the logs if anyone wants to have a pop at it. Effectively hardware wise so far, I've done the following. Replaced the SAS to SATA cables. Replaced the HBA cards. Flashed HBA firmware. Replaced HDD's Any advise will be welcomed. Thanks. tower-diagnostics-20230406-1953.zip
  6. Awesome, Well I'll try that first and will let everyone know what happens to my issue. Thanks!
  7. Hmm, I think there is an issue with my HBA card. Going on that line of thinking, replacing a HBA card with a different one... is that straight forward or does that have consequences with unraid? Any guidance will be welcomed!
  8. Hi Community, Hopefully someone can help debug my unraid instance. Two weeks ago, I had a parity drive failure, I've replaced the failed drive, everything seemed to be ok. Then decided to replace an old 256GB NVME that was in the raid array. Since then I've had some issues with failing drives. My error message seems to allway produce the constant message of "[sdk] Synchronize Cache(10) failed: Result: hostbyte=0x01 driverbyte=DRIVER_OK unraid" While this has only appeared on the one drive, it has been on a second previously "Disk3", but that seems to be fine today. I have a spare drive in the array to replace, but what to ensure it's actual drive failures before replacing then seeking RMA. I've uploaded my diagnostics too, if anyone can help it will be appreciated. Thanks! tower-diagnostics-20221211-1224.zip
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