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  1. Hi, I create all my dockers via docker-compose.yml file in SSH terminal - so I do not use any GUI functions for deployment. But I would like to update the Images, when unraid notifies me for image updates. I get the message: "Configuration not found. Was this container created by this plugin?" Do you have any idea, how I could manage this?
  2. Thank you, that means, the basic configuration shall be: Disk 1: HDD Pool / Cache: SSD Bad idea would be in one Array: Disk 1: SSD Disk 2: HDD Correct?
  3. Hi all, I am quite new to UnRAID and my usecase looks like this: fast Docker Server with multiple services (high performance) storage for multiple TB of data (slow is acceptable, just backup) disk redundancy is not needed, as it is backup only focus is on maximum performance for dockers and data files of dockers My plan is to run all the system and docker files on a small fast SSD (256 GB) and to store all my data on a slow HDD (8 TB). How shall I configure this, to guarantee, that /mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img and /mnt/user/appdata/ is only stored on the SSD? Or is it better to make "one big volume", where the SSD acts as cache drive? Thank you for your recommendations!
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