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Everything posted by AshleyAshes

  1. Right now the parity check function can only be done at fixed internals. But sometimes 'shit happens' and an UnRAID server does not shut down cleanly and parity is checked on startup, or for some reason the user had to manually trigger a parity check. All the same, a scheduled parity check could then happen soon after. Would it instead be possible to offer the option to set it to 'Check parity at (time) since last check was run'? So say you do 3 month intervals, but for some reason parity had to be checked, the scheduler is now counting down 3 months from that check and it resets?
  2. Any timeline on getting Handbrake 1.7 updated? Been doing a lot of AV1 encoding and the updates to SVT-AV1 in 1.7 make for huge speed improvements.
  3. So the update to 1.6.1 is great and AV1 encoding performs better on my E5-2697v2's than I'd had expected, especially considdering their lack of AVX2. That said, something was introduced with this version of the docker that has absolutely wacked the scaling. It always tries to fill the full screen window, resulting on a massive Handbrake window with everything spread out on a 1440p monitor. And you make the window smaller and now it's scaling that image down, resulting in fine text that's unreadable. Whatever was done in the previous docker, with a fixed scale, and scaling down if the window was too small, was fine. This change makes everything a lot less flexible.
  4. Handbrake 1.6.0 has put AV1 encoding into the stable build finally. Any chance we can see the docker image updated in the near future?
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