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  1. Mover schedule is no longer running for me. I use a 70% full threshold, but the cache fills up now every time. It looks like many others are experiencing the same. I will uninstall this plugin for now.
  2. Agreed. Despite how many reports there are, we still must comprise only a small minority of users with BTRFS cache. So we have resigned ourselves to the fact that this problem is intermittent and difficult to track down, and will likely not be fixed for our hardware or container combination, or whatever causes it. The good news is we have a solution: ZFS.
  3. I would like to note that many of us reformatted to BTRFS and had the exact same corruption occur again. I formatted at least six times before someone suggested ZFS. I have since had zero issues on the same hardware, and there are dozens of reports of this same solution working for users. So the explanation that 6.12 revealed some previously undetected corruption is clearly not what’s happening here. It’s also clearly not a hardware issue in the vast majority of cases since users report no issues before 6.12, *and* report no issues once migrated to ZFS.
  4. So can we ignore this warning?
  5. Try ZFS. Seems to have fixed this for many of us.
  6. I had this issue since the upgrade to 6.12. I tried everything. unRAID would lock up every 1-3 days. It eventually resulted in database corruption in my containers. The only thing which solved it is changing the cache drives from BTRFS to ZFS.
  7. For more than six months I had been experiencing frequent crashes of my unRAID server which I was unable to resolve. Every 1-3 days the server would lock up. I completed a lot of troubleshooting, including testing the memory, wiping the cache and reinitialising (multiple times), combing through all the logs I could possibly find, scrubs; even a docker elimination test where I tried turning them on one by one. This eventually led to corruption in my application databases (which has been difficult to correct). Most recently everything shit the bed so hard I had to spend multiple days repairing corrupt databases by hand (the automated SQL repairs did not work). So I wiped the cache again and this time formatted with ZFS. We're on day seven now without any crashes. The system is responsive and I'm not detecting any more file system errors in logs. I have no idea why ZFS is working but BTRFS did not. Perhaps it's more resilient? I'm too tired tired to keep fighting. It works and I'm happy with that. I'm writing this because I've read dozens of other reports of users experiencing the same issues as I was. If so, ZFS on cache could resolve your issue. I'm using mirror mode (two cache SSDs mirrored).
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