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Posts posted by DrKamp

  1. Hello Everyone.

    I've been searching the internet and this forum mostly for a couple days without success. I'm really sorry if this is a duplicate.

    My issue : I can't pass my brand new asus BT-400 bluetooth dongle to HomeAssistant Docker.

    Here is what I tried without success :

    • lsusb to get the BUS and Device numbers and pass it as a "device" using --device=/dev/bus/usb/00X/00Y
    • With --device=/dev/bus/usb/00X/00Y, trying to pass the dbus path /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb
    • Trying to find the ID using `ls -l /dev/serial/by-id` to pass it as '/dev/ttyACM0:/dev/ttyACM0' > My USB dongle does not appear when using the command. 

    Side note : I did managed to pass my SonOff Zigbee dongle using the `ls -l /dev/serial/by-id` command since it appears in it.


    What I found after some time

    When using this command `usb-devices`, I find several lines for my device wich show driver = btusb but the last line displays : driver = none


    Any idea how that might be or what I should do to get this dongle working ?

    If not, could you recommand one that's working out of the box with unraid since I can still ship this one back with Am****n


    Thanks to you all.


    Screenshot 2023-08-15 190102.png

  2. @Charizard , if you're new to unraid, I would recommand to have a look at most of the vidéos on the SpaceInvadersOne youtube channel.

    Before bying the licence, I did 2 things. That's how I work, it might not be the best approach for everyone...

    1- Created a sandbox from an old PC, old USB old drives (1 is enought, 2 is better) and the trial licence from unraid. I looked and click everywhere to get a "feel" of the global philosophy.

    2- Then, I looked at videos on the SIO (SpaceInvaderOne) Youtube channel for specific topics I wanted more solid knowledge about. During the videos, you come accross terms and concepts that need explaining. Those you need to watch videos about, etc... etc...


    And when everything was in order in my head, I then started scouring the net for parts (used) except for drives and usb stick), Then build my nas, configured it (still under trial licence, but a new one since it's a new usb stick). When I was satisfied, I bought the licence


    As per your other question. If your stick dies, if you did a backup (manual, automatic, whatever...) you can transfer the licence to another usb (once a year I think). If you did'nt have a bakcup, you'll need to rebuild your config from scratch. That does not mean you lost your data. But You need to be extra carefull and ask for help in this forum if that where to happen

  3. Hello.

    You already have most in the important info up top (I think).

    Just be aware in the choice of your USB. I chose a metal one with 2.0 spec (not 3.0) as they tend to heat less and speed is less important than reliability.

    Do also ask yourself how you'll use your cache (Speed up transfer to array - not from), or storing vms and dockers, or both.

    Cache (if not redundant) exposes you to a loss of data between the time data is copied onto it and the time MOVER transfers it to the parity secured array.


    Because I did not need a lot of hard drives, I used 2x 500Gb NVME SSDs for cache in raid 1 (vms, dockers and a few other folders) + 2x old 120Gb SSD( btrfs raid1) for cache use (ie increasing write speed)


    Hope this helps.

  4. Hello. I had the same issue and tried a very quick fix that seeme to do the work :


    Disable > Enable docker service in settings > Docker


    I had the same issue after trying some change in my config and ended up on this thread that seemed interesting.

    After a restart, none of my container did start. Error message : "Container does not exist" (or something of the sort). 
    no message in containers logs since there was nothing to start at all.

    But after some tries, this quick fix is what I tried first and it worked


  5. Hello everyone.
    I would also love this feature.


    That is just my single opinion, but my personnal usecase is to be able to save a working configuration before doing any kind of changes that I'm not so sure about while knowing I can always go back to a previous known working point. ie: more like a restauration point.Therefore, It's not a problem for me if I need to switch the VM down before taking the snapshot.


    As I'm writing this, I'm not sure it's really a "Snapshot" per say where all states (including RAM) are captured. (I don't need RAM state to be captured...)

    More like a "disk backup" at a given point in time.


    Maybe those 2 use cases are different and one can be implemented faster than the other. Especially if it covers the need of the majority of people.

    (Not saying we should forget users that need more elaborate functions (hot snaphshot with RAM, etc...))


    That is my own 2 cents about a feature that would endeed be great


    Have a good day.

  6. @itimpi, Thanks for the anwser.

    I'm trying to setup a VM with OPNsense (~pfsense). That's why I need to pass a least 2 of them (WAN and LAN).

    My first approach was to bridge 2 of them individually to an brX network. eth1 > br1 / eth2 > br2.

    In the VM config, I "linked" those 2 brX and was able to see them in OPNsense without an issue.


    Things started to get complicated when I needed to get an IP via my ISP DHCP. The requests need to be made on VLAN100.

    I have no issue in OPNsense creating a virtual interface with a VLAN number of 100 using my WAN port as parent interface.

    However, I do not know how to be sure that the "100 tagged" interface in the VM is correctly passed in unraid to my Physical port...


    To limit the issues, I tried to get the physical ports directly in the VM using passthrough to remove 1 unknown to me (how unraid manages the tagged traffic from VM brX to the pysical port).


    I hope my explaination is clear (even thought it's not really in my head 🙂 )


    So to recap, Here is what I need to achieve

    OPNSense WAN interface (100 tagged traffic) -> OPNSense "physical interface" which is in fact a VM virtIO -> The virt-IO is a brX interface in unraid -> The brX is unraid is an unraid network bridged to the eth1 physical port on the PCIe card (quad port)


    Hope this helps to help me 🙂


  7. Hello everyone,

    I'm trying to isolate my network interfaces to use on VMs in unraid.

    I have a total a 5 ports.

    • 1x onboard NIC - 2.5GB (RLT8125)
    • 1x quad port PCIe network card  - gigabit Intel 82580


    The onbloard NIC is connected to LAN to accès unraid via the webGUI.

    I'm trying to isolate 2 of the 4 ports on the intel PCIe card (I'm willing to compromise isolating the 4 of them)


    As per my research, I'm trying to bind those to VFIO at boot using the Tools > System devices option in unraid.

    However, all of them are actually marked as "In Use By Unraid" (see screenshot below), even with VMs and Docker disabled.


    My question is :

    Are they all "in use by unraid" because they're in the same IOMMU group as the 2.5Gb NIC that I use to access Unraid via webGUI ?

    If so, what is the solution to seperate them and bind them to VFIO at boot ?


    If that's not the reason ? Why are my Nics marked as "in use by unraid" and How can I set unraid to "unuse" them.

    For information, 2 of those ports (on the quad PCIe card) are bridged, each to 1 seperate brX network.

    The other 2 nics are not bridged, nor bonded.


    Thanks in advance to anyone who will take some time to answer ;-)

    Have a great day !



    Screenshot 2023-02-05 124301.png


  8. Hello everyone.

    I'm new to unraid and doing experiments on trial setup before setting up my definitive configuration.


    Hardware : I3 10105F - 8Gb Ram - 1 onboard 2.5Gb Nic - 1 pcie card HP quad gigabit ethernet ports

    Goal : passing 2 of my available usb "ports" to a VM that will be used to OpenSense (or PFsense).


    I've read quite a bit of information regarding passthrough and stubbing and not is all clear to me.

    I understand that there's a new method of doing things by using the built-in Tool > System devices > Bind method rather than the "old" Bootdevice > Syslinux > Append initrd... method.

    As far as I understand, both methods do the same thing but the new one is prefered and easier especially on new setups (which is my case).


    As i'm going to tools > System devices, I see all my ethernet controllers (2.5gb and 4x 1Gb) listed under the same IOMMU group 5. The GUI won't let me select any of the ethernet controler since they're marked "In use by unraid".

    None of them are actually bridged or bonded (except 2.5gb eth0).


    Here are the questions I have :

    1. Is binding to vfio at boot the best option for my use case ? (2 ethernet "ports" for a VM for pfsense) ?
       If so, How can i make unraid "unuse them" to be able to bind them ?

    2. I also thought about creating 2 bridge network specific for each port (br1 for eth1 and br2 for eth1) and using them in the VM ?


    Any help or pointer will be greatly appreciated.

    Have a good day !

    Screenshot 2023-01-27 200909.png


  9. Hello Everyone. 

    I'm a brand new user to unraid and am playing with the trial version and test hardrive before setting up my final box.

    I have an MSI B460M mother board with 2.5Gb realtech LAN.

    I added a 4 ports HP nics via PCIe.


    I want to setup Opensense as a VM using 2 of the ports on the quad port pcie card.

    I therefore tried understanding (using this pretty complete forum here) how this works.

    After several trial and errors (including having to shutdown > delete config/network.cfg > start) I came upon this which puzzles me. 
    Could you please explain to me if this is normal and me juste beeing ignorant, or if there's something actually problematic ?


    In settings > network, I see the following sections and values (trunkated for readability)

    Interface  eth0

    MAC : 2C:F0:5D:AE:55:20

    Bonding: Yes (active-backup) with members : eth0,1,2 and 3

    Bridging: Yes

    Config : Ipv4 - DHCP


    interface eth1 (same config for eth2 - eth3)

    Member of bond0 (see eth0)

    MAC 2C:F0:5D:AE:55:20 (same as eth0)


    Interface eth4


    MAC : AC:16:2D:9C:32:6B

    Bonding : No

    Bridging : yes


    And then next section is Interface Rules


    Interface eth0: 2C:F0:5D:AE:55:20      PCI device 0x10ec:0x8125 (r8169)

    Interface eth1:  AC:16:2D:9C:32:68      PCI device 0x8086:0x150e (igb)

    Interface eth2: AC:16:2D:9C:32:69      PCI device 0x8086:0x150e (igb)

    Interface eth3: AC:16:2D:9C:32:6A      PCI device 0x8086:0x150e (igb)

    Interface eth4: AC:16:2D:9C:32:6B     PCI device 0x8086:0x150e (igb)


    Question :

    I don't understand how on the first page of the page, the eth0 as mac adress different  from the the last section...

    Do eth0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4  refere to logical network interface (if terminology is correct) i mean ports or do they refere to some logical naming of the ports ?

    Also, How can i change my config to access the webGUI via the 2.5Gb port (mac is 2C:F0...) and be able to also "isolate" my other physical ports so that I can pass them to VMs. (I don't necesseraly need passethrough unless it's required for security reasons or any other good reason.


    THanks a lot and have a good day.


    PS : (EDIT) - anytime I try to set turn off bonding on eth0, I loose connection to the server... (explaning the need to delete the usb network config file). I can't understand why....


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