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Everything posted by sparklyballs

  1. Switched to installing the package from the .deb file at a fixed point, that being 5.5.19 currently rather than keep doing the repo dance every few weeks it seems with unifi. long story short, the new build just pushed at the time of writing is now 5.5.19
  2. they're really starting to lose some of their lustre lately, they've changed the repo structure 3 times in the lifetime of this image and recently again recommending people to switch to "stable" (laughable when you consider they're now advocating a new one to get the latest actual "stable build") it's silly nonsense like this that will knock user confidence
  3. Again though i'd still have to say that 5.5x wouldn't seem to be release ready if unifi themselves don't see fit to put it in their stable repo.
  4. Personally i'd be concerned as to why they're not putting 5.5x into stable and keeping it in the testing repo, my default reaction would be to say it isn't ready.
  5. new pull of the image and i'm getting graph data ok
  6. it makes no difference, on unraid 6.4 port 443 is being used by the https page for the unraid webui and so is not available for any containers and as letsencrypt runs in host networking mode.....
  7. i've got 8500+ movies and there's no slow down at all.
  8. This image has been rebased to ubuntu xenial as alpine linux no longer works for the 2.5x versions of resilio-sync. @Kash76 as part of the rebase it has been updated to 2.5
  9. the database import can't complete due to a bug that was fixed in a new version of a perl dependency which conversely broke the import process. so in lieu of the next release of musicbrainz hopefully containing an update, i've pinned the dependency by sed'ing their cpanfile when building the image. the PR is in , will have to wait for another team member to merge it though.
  10. there's also another big difference.. one app is sonarr and the other is radarr.
  11. That's an extremely advanced topic way beyond the scope of our support and i've no idea if it is even possible with the kodi headless container.
  12. yeah nginx in the newer alpine uses two locations for tmp files for some reason and the perms weren't set on the other one
  13. i reverted the last commit that was probably the cause, it seems latest jetty version doesn't play nicely.
  14. /js/content.js is not the webui it's at whatever port you mapped 80 to , eg if you mapped 80 to 8088 then it's <your-ip>:8088
  15. well that would suggest a server side error , ie the torrent site.
  16. dunno , just added ubuntu iso torrent via url and downloaded torrent file with no problem and they're downloading.
  17. ok @Stuke00 try pulling the latest image of musicbrainz and it should hopefully now be fixed.
  18. when the PR is merged you will have to clear the contents of your appdata for musicbrainz or postgres initialisation will fail it if was interrupted.
  19. I've found the issue and have put in a PR to our repo, the later build of postgres in the update is using a different location for the pid file and postgres didn't have permission on it.
  20. what would be more useful if you were to use the latest letsencrypt version, as it's been rolled back to the earlier version, and the latest version of nextcloud which is on the newer version. we need to ascertain whether the problem is solely the LE side, the nextcloud side or a combination of both.
  21. i've pulled build 59, 60 and the current with the 3.6 update and using the same dataset i can freely switch between them and login with no issues.
  22. Don't change the container side path for volume mountings in that way You can change the ownership on the host side but the path /home/mike in the container will be owned by root and have no permissions passed to subdirectories
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