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Everything posted by yoda42

  1. oh maybe I spoke too fast, looking more closely at the installation log it looks like it's included in Torch (if I understood correctly) 😁 11:37:31-861037 INFO Version: v22.4.1 11:37:31-869485 INFO nVidia toolkit detected 11:37:39-146793 INFO Torch 2.1.2+cu121 11:37:40-028922 INFO Torch backend: nVidia CUDA 12.1 cuDNN 8902 11:37:40-043726 INFO Torch detected GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 VRAM 7973 Arch (8, 6) Cores 20
  2. Hello there, 2 small question for curiosity Is it possible to give one of our shares access to the various GUIs (Automatic 111 or Kohya)? If so, what's the best way? Do we add a Host Path to the tamplate? If so, what should we put in the Path container? Or is there another way? And I want to test the creation of a Lora with Kohya, I saw that you can install CUDNN 8.6 to help. As I've just got an RTX 3050 8G, I figure it wouldn't be a bad thing. I searched a bit on the internet and couldn't find how to install it on unraid (I saw for windows and ubuntu), if someone had tested it on Unraid and if it worked. Has anyone here tested it? Thanks
  3. I've done some tests with fooocus and everything works to now. Thanks for all the work you do, it's really appreciated. 😁
  4. yes, you're right, the installation was carried out correctly with the modifications indicated on the holaf Repository but it crashes at the first test
  5. oh, I think I get it... these changes? To migrate from holaf to my image on unraid edit (or create) the stable-diffusion template: Repository => foxxmd/stable-diffusion:latest Edit Stable-Diffusion UI Path Container Path => /config Remove Outputs These will still be generated at /mnt/user/appdata/stable-diffusion/outputs Add Variable Name/Key => PUID Value => 99 Add Variable Name/Key => PGID Value => 100
  6. I'm not sure I understand😆, what changes do we need to make in the template for creating a Directory Structure in appdata (as before) and not in the image (config/) thanks😁
  7. hey, I've been using the docker with Fooocus for a few weeks now and it works really well, but I've just upgraded and now I don't know where the installation is now where (models, output, etc.)??? before they were here in appdata /mnt/user/appdata/stable-diffusion/ now only the cache is left in appdata... and the model has been downloaded back here, /config/06-Fooocus/Fooocus/models/checkpoints/ but I have no idea where it is (/config/06-Fooocus/Fooocus/). Is this normal? if so where do I find the /config/06-Fooocus yet in the docker config it's still appdata... Stable-Diffusion UI Path: /mnt/user/appdata/stable-diffusion/ Thanks
  8. Hi, I have two small problems. Even if I change the place of the output, it still generates the images in the default output file. (when I return from the docker setting my custom path is there) Do you have an idea? I use Fooocus GUI The other problem is that the images are generated by the "nobody" user, which means that I constantly have to give myself write permission to delete the images. And really good work, the docker works very well! it's great!
  9. Hi, Since a while I have an error in bazaar Error 500You have disconnected from the server. I did some research and tried some solutions without success (clear my browser cache, test via a browser in a VM). In the movies tab (Radarr) no problem. Also in the settings the connection with Sonarr works when I do the test it gives me the version of Sonarr. Anyone have an idea/solution? Thank's
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