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Everything posted by Hexfield

  1. Hey folks. Newbie to Unraid here. I was having trouble making a Windows VM. I could create them but they'd immediately crash and lose VNC connection. Now I'm getting "Out of memory" errors in Fix Common Problems. Not sure if it's related, but my server originally had four sticks of RAM but now only has two. I took a pair out because I had been getting page fault errors and assumed it might be bad RAM. The page fault errors have stopped, but now I'm getting out of memory errors and VM issues.. I'd love some help with next steps. Diagnostics attached! ziggy-diagnostics-20230305-1539.zip
  2. False alarm! Of course I spent all night working on this and the minute I post for help I solve it. I was using the wrong local ip. I'll post again if I have more trouble, thanks.
  3. Hi, I'm sure the answer to this question has been posted but I'm having trouble finding it. I just set up qbittorrentvpn with Mullvad wireguard. It seems to be connecting fine according to the console but I can't get the webui to run when the vpn is turned on. If I disable the setting the webui works fine, but if I enable it I can't get the ui, even on my local network. I think I put the right ip ranges in LAN_NETWORK, but I'm not totally sure. Any help would be appreciated! syslog.log
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