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Everything posted by Rattykins

  1. Quick Kiwix-serve question (please pardon the ignorance of a docker beginner): By default, the config dumps the zim downloads into appdata -- in many cases an SSD cache drive of limited capacity. Are there environment variables that can be set to separate appdata (to go on the SSD cache) and the rather large zim riles (I'd love to create a separate share to store them). Thanks! -J
  2. Reinstalled both the Apache-Tika and Gotenberg apps; they seem to be working as intended without any container->host mappings. Advice well taken however, so I'll do as you suggested for a bit and just monitor things before dumping too many documents in. You've been hugely helpful. Much appreciated! - J
  3. Fair enough. I figured that might be a possibility. So in THIS case, I can get away with not even mapping container paths to host paths, correct?
  4. Unraid newbie looking for additional clarity. Read the FAQ, which helped somewhat, but I'd love an additional nod of approval (or sigh of disbelief) to verify my understanding. Background: Set up Paperless-ngx (from CA store) alongside Apache-Tika and Gotenberg (for Office file PDF conversion services). Ended up blowing up my Docker, which I had to rebuild (glad I learned to do that, and it was surprisingly successful!) Still trying to figure out what went wrong actually. Might be a pathing issue, or just Paperless-ngx weirdness. Still, the Paperless-ngx setup was a breeze since the CA store provided a template; didn't mess with paths too much and for the most part it runs well. Apache-Tika and Gotenberg have to be installed manually however. I managed, but with some reservations given my poor understanding. Confirm my ELI5-level understanding: So the docker is a bubble... literally a bubble called docker.img. The docker apps live there, but we store docker software config files OUTSIDE the bubble in appdata, so that docker software can be easily reinstalled if necessary. In addition, anytime a docker app wants to write INSIDE the bubble (container path), we give it a path OUTSIDE the bubble (host path), telling it to do all its work there and prevent our bubble from filling up. For a manually configured docker app, I control the Host path, correct? For example, I could simply create a new directory called "Tika" in appdata and tell the docker to do its work there. My confusion stems primarily from container path. I don't know anything about the invisible paths the docker app uses. I can't look at them. The documentation doesn't mention them. Surely they're not arbitrary, since I have to precisely map bubble-inside data to my bubble-outside location (the Host path). What am I missing? If you read all that, my sincere thanks <grin> Justin