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  1. Hello, I just updated beam-mp-server and the server went offline. The container stays up, but when you try to open the logs from unraid it closes immediately and the log file won't update so Idk how to find the error normally. But in portainer I see a constant error: /beamngmp/BeamMP-Server: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Can't tell if it's related. I've tried to do a force update and still same issue.
  2. Okay I will try this. Is this usually how other community docker apps do this for accessing files?
  3. Okay I think I understand this. I ran a couple more tests and see what you are saying, but how would I modify my dockerfile to have the files already in it when I set the bind mount? Do I need to add a volume and then copy the files over or do something in the CMD script?
  4. Hello, I am trying to do something very simple, but I lack some knowledge on docker. I have a docker image in a private GitHub repo that updates the image on dockerhub when pushed. Docker file FROM python:alpine3.17 WORKDIR /apps COPY . . CMD [ "python", "app.py" ] Python file import time print("Hello unraid docker, just testing first setup") time.sleep(30) Simple, nothing crazy. Now since I got it working on unraid I wanted to figure out how to add storage to my appdata share like other containers from the community apps do. To start, first I tried to see if I could just make a path from the container to host to at least see if files would show up from the container. I've had to add/change container paths before on community apps to get to different files with no issues. The folder in the share comes up and... It's empty... but the apps folder on the container is there with the files added. So I tried other container paths, but nothing, or the container would crash with an exec error. I realize I am missing something. Am I adding the wrong path, or do need to specify a volume in my dockerfile? In other dockerfiles I never see a volume added so I am at a loss. Additionally, how does one give access to the base appdata folder to a docker container so you can monitor files? I've tried using inotify but it didn't have the functionality I was looking for.
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