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Everything posted by tlo

  1. Many thanks for your help. Turns out I was having issues with my RAM XMP configuration. DDR5 is a bitch!
  2. AdGuard Home: With br0 interface, it seems it is not be able to reach the DNS (53) via the Unraid Server itself ( i tried via terminal), so i cannot use the AdGuard Home DNS as DNS server for UnRaid itself. Are there any network setting advises for using Adguard Home for UnRaid itself? Thanks in advance, tlo
  3. And this is the last Unraid status report: Event: Unraid Status Subject: Notice [UNRAID01] - array health report [FAIL] Description: Array has 5 disks (including parity & pools) Importance: alert Parity - ST4000VN006-3CW104_ZW60ZVAK (sdb) - standby [OK] Parity 2 - ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZL2AF1YQ (sdc) - standby [DISK INVALID] Disk 1 - ST4000VN006-3CW104_ZW60YWF8 (sdd) - active 37 C [OK] Cache - Samsung_SSD_980_1TB_S649NU1W907792R (nvme0n1) - active 38 C [OK] Cache 2 - Samsung_SSD_980_1TB_S649NU1W907800V (nvme1n1) - active 37 C [OK] Data-Rebuild in progress. Total size: 12 TB Elapsed time: 5 hours, 12 minutes Current position: 0 B (0.0 %) Estimated speed: 0.0 B/sec Estimated finish: 25407194 days, 10 hours, 22 minutes Sync errors corrected: 0
  4. Unraid is desinged to allow two parity drives, so why not. More parity drives resulting in more security. Its like the decision between RAID 5 and 6. My storage will grow in near future. But for now i would like to know why the parity sync is not starting/progressing and don't let me reboot Unraid.
  5. Hello everyone. I am a new Unraid user and have just set up my first Unraid system. For my array, I have set up a 4TB HDD for data and a 4TB HDD as parity. For additional security, I purchased a 12TB HDD and would now like to set it up as a second parity. The preclear disk went through without error. So I stopped the array and set the 12TB HDD as second parity. Then I started the array. Now the array has started and nothing has happened. I can't see that a parity restore is running. Also, i cannot see any reads/writes on the parity 2 disk. Status of Parity 2 is invalid. After clicking the SYNC button to start parity synchronization, nothing happens. Even a reboot did not work. I had to shut down the system hard and after the reboot the array did not reboot. I had to add the 12 TB HDD again as parity 2 and am now at the same point. I would be very grateful for any suggestions. Best regards!
  6. Moin Zusammen. Sorry, bin Newbie in UnRaid... Wie bekomme ich überhaupt (wie in Schritt 1 beschrieben) den "Nextcloud AIO Docker"? Nicht über die Community Apps, oder? Meinst du hier über docker pull nextcloud/all-in-one:latest Ich möchte meine bisherige NexCloud-Instanz von einem eigenständigen Server auf UnRaid umziehen. Bisher lief es über Docker Compose, das ist ja nativ unter UnRaid nicht möglich. Cheers, TLoX
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