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  1. Found the fix to this as doing the above gave an error about parallel_decompressor_count being set to zero. To fix this went to Setting > Farming > Go to Harvester Section and modifying parallel_decompressor_count to 1 or higher. As it tells Chia how many CPU’s to use so it must be set to at least 1. In systems with more than one CPU can be set higher than 1 if the user wants to dedicate more CPU’s to decompression. But for GPU decompression this should always be set to 1
  2. Can you advise why c3 compressed plots would not be appearing in the count of plots? Generated them using plotman, with bladebit ramplot. Thanks in advance. They are on the hard drive but have c3 in the plots title but seem to be ignored by scraper and also the plot checker. Edit: Verified plots are in plots directory. Tried doing non compressed plots, they are detected and reported correctly. It only appears to be happening when I do compressed plots that they are not showed up in my count of plots.
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