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  1. Thanks, I'll change my settings around. Do I need to delete my old Urbackup shares, or will the next backup automatically go to the new path?
  2. Hey, I just want to preface this question by saying that I don't really know what I'm doing, and have a very minimal understanding of computers/networking in general. I've set up an Unraid server to handle backups for my house. Urbackup looked like a good solution so I installed the app and a client on my workstation. I was following a tutorial on youtube, and left all the settings default, except for network type. The tutorial said to change it to Custom : br0, and to enter a fixed IP. So I did. I ran a backup and everything seems to be working... but I had a couple questions. I'm brand new to Unraid. Shares appear to be some sort of file system? I like to keep my file systems organized, so I have a change in hell of remembering what anything does when I don't touch it for years. Right now Urbackup has created three "top-level" shares. Urbackup, Urbackup_temp_files, and My-Workstation (computer name). Is there any way I can point Urbackup to a share I've already created? So everything is under one folder? I guess this is cosmetic, but It helps me a lot. Like previously mentioned, I entered a fixed IP. After doing this, my Urbackup server briefly showed up on my network under that IP, and my Unraid server IP disappeared. This morning my Unraid server IP is back, but when I search for my Urbackup server IP it is gone. Since they're both on the same physical machine, can only one exist at once on my network? Wondering about expected behavior. Should I not have used a fixed IP? Thank you in advance.