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  1. Hi. I have a tracker that requires the ip of the device that gets the download and downloads to be the same (Jackett and Torrent client needs to have the same IP). To get around this on Transmission_VPN, I have set the Jackett container to use the Transmission container (--net=container:Transmission_VPN) and set the port in the Transmission container. Now, I want to switch to qBittorrent. I have swapped the network settings to --net=container:qbittorrentvpn (that is the name of my container) and mapped 9117 to the qbittorrent container. Now, Jackett works fine, but I am unable to access the webui at http://[MachineIP]:9117/UI/Dashboard, when testing in Sonarr/Radarr/Readarr, the tests work fine, just no WebUI. I do see this in the logs: Content root path: /app/Jackett/Content Now listening on: http://[::]:9117 Any suggestions?