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  1. Clearing cache has helped... Omg, I wasted so much time for so simple issue lol.
  2. @Kilrah I have completely reinstalled Nexcloud--ffmpeg and MariaDB official as new planning to just populate new nextcloud data "naturally". And again I could not log in! Apparently this docker container webui doesn't work in firefox, as I checked and I can login in Edge. Is there some way to make it work in firefox?
  3. I am trying to migrate from LSIO container to Nextcloud-ffmpeg container by Kilrah. Since that container is based on official, I thought I may ask for help also here. I have replaced apps with what I had in LSIO, and I have merged the config files, bringing also the old secret, inctanceid and salt (I don't know if that was a mistake or not). I had to change some permissions to nextcloud data, and after some tweak I was able to get to the login screen, where I am currently stuck. I type in my username and password and after some thinking, the page just reloads without any error messages. I tried resetting password with occ command, but that did not help. Either my login information is not processed correctly, or maybe the dashboard is broken, so it throws me back to login page, I have no idea. Does anyone have any hints what to do here, or maybe have instructions on how to correctly migrate from LSIO container?
  4. @Kilrahmaybe I could start over the migration process from LSIO container. Do you have a guide on how to do that correctly?
  5. I added variable PUID and PGID to Nextcloud-ffmpeg container and set both to 33, I ran chown on the container appdata to 33:33. Now at least occ commands run with user 33, but I still can't get past the login page in webui. It doesn't complain about wrong password (I don't know if nextcloud would throw some message in this case or not). It just resets the page when I try to log in.
  6. One thing I noticed is that when running occ commands the correct user was 99 instead of 33, but I don't see where this would be coming from. I did setup ownership for the data to 33 though and then I was able to get to the login page. Any idea if this could be the problem and how to fix it? A other thing is that when merging config files, I kept only some paths setup from new config, but replaced the instanceid and salt with info from LSIO config, was that a mistake? How to correctly merge config files?
  7. I was able to overcome this issue by adding "-it" after "docker exec" to run occ command. However this didn't solve my original issue, I still can't login even after changing my password. When I try to login in nextcloud WebUI, the login and password fields just reset after a second without any error information: like it attempts to login but then throws me back to square one.
  8. I migrated to this container from LSIO and I am not able to access my admin account on nextcloud. I might have merged the config files incorreclty or some other thing. Honestly, I barely know what I am doing. So I was able to run occ command user:list and my admin user is there. However when I try to reset the password for this user I get this: Enter a new password: Aborted. user:resetpassword [--password-from-env] [--] <user> i don't get to enter new password, I immediately get the whole prompt above. In case it is important, the admin user is the only user on my nextcloud. Can anyone help me here? If I indeed migrated incorrectly, what is the correct procedure?
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