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  1. Just wanted to let you know that this did not fix SSH for me, nor did the new stable Unraid release. Were you able to reproduce this issue?
  2. No customization, only thing that is changed is putting authorized_keys for the root user, but that is via the web GUI. I've tried rebooting the server but this doesn't resolve the issue. -edit- Rolling back to 6.12.0-rc4.1 and I can access SSH again.
  3. I've tried to restart/stop/start /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd but it outputs /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd restart WARNING: There does not appear to be a parent instance of sshd running. If you really want to kill all running instances of sshd (including any sessions currently in use), run '/etc/rc.d/rc.sshd stop' instead. /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd stop sshd: no process found /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd start shows nothing, but it also does nothing as stopping after starting shows the same no process found. Previous release rc7 also had this problem for me, but I thought it was because of Tailscale which got fixed so shouldn't be the problem.
  4. Thanks for fixing the SMB connection via Tailscale/Wireguard. SSH however still refuses the connection for me, even via device on local network. I've tried removing the authorized keys, rebooting server, reloading ssh but it just shows connection refused. -edit- Tried reenabling SSH in GUI management, tried removing the SSH & SSL from boot, both didn't solve the problem.
  5. Great to hear! Awaiting the next release.👏
  6. For example there is a remote laptop with Tailscale and ip installed that accesses the server via IP I put this unRAID Tailscale IP address in Windows Explorer and can access the server share just like it was on the local network. With the new release I've added tailscale0 into the included interfaces which should allow a remote Tailscale laptop to access the server on The GUI webinterface works, i can ping the server. But as mentioned previously SSH refuses the connection and SMB share also won't connect.
  7. The strange part is that the GUI is accessible and the server is pingable via Tailscale but SSH refused the connection. Samba is accessed via direct IP and this works just fine on the previous version, I can't pinpoint where the problem lies as I've added the code to /boot/config/go and the proper interfaces to be included. It just times out with no response with also no log records whatsoever.
  8. Thanks for the update, please kindly look into this as I access the server remotely via a Tailscale tunnel. Rolling back and staying at the older version for now..
  9. Thanks for including the option to add custom listening interfaces, I've added the tailscale0 network and access via the web works fine. However I am not able to access the server via SMB and SSH, is this still a limitation or am I forgetting something?
  10. These changes need to be optional, I'm using Tailscale (via Docker) and a Wireguard tunnel to access the server and this has stopped smb and ssh from working. Automatically adding the only Wireguard tunnel solves half of my problem as remote users access via Tailscale.
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