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Everything posted by extrakaese

  1. Interessant, bei meinem Build mit gleichem Board + CPU dasselbe, auch keine tiefen C-States. (i5 12400 ASRock Z690 Pro RS 2x 16GB G.Skill RipJaws V 3200MHz be quiet 550W Pure Power 12 M) Was bei mir aber noch der Fall war, dass es nicht stabil lief, sobald ich ASPM + C-States aktiviert habe, alle paar Tage (maximal 4 Tage) hat sich der Server selbstständig aus- & wieder eingeschaltet. Logs haben nichts angezeigt, als hätte man einfach den Stecker raus- & wieder reingemacht. Seitdem ich im BIOS ASPM + C-States wieder deaktiviert habe, läuft er seit Wochen problemlos. Hast du eine ähnliche Problematik erlebt? Oder lag es an mir?
  2. Ahhh, now I understand. Did not know that there are also SATA splitters. Then I'm on the safe side with the Molex-SATA. Thanks for the explanation
  3. Sorry, don't quite understand what you mean by that? I don't understand that much about these things so far. Am still relatively new to these things. 😕
  4. Ok, thanks. Apparently it is not so easy to find "crimped" 2-1 in Germany, so now I ordered the 4-1 and will install it tomorrow and connect to only 2 hard drives. Is there anything else I need to consider? The harddisk is connected to a HBA controller, so I'll use one of the other SATA connectors, if that's the problem. So it probably can not be something else, just power/connection? If there are errors again, I'll post it here again. Thanks for your help
  5. Ok, thanks, then I look that I find one with two. Alternatively, I would take the one with 4, but only plug in 2, should then have the same effect, right?
  6. Ok, I have a Molex/SATA adapter there, but one of those that are separate and not tight together. And the errors came last time and this time, right when the hard drive started from the spindown. Is it safe to use such a cable? Because of "Molex to SATA, lose all your data". Thanks for the quick reply.
  7. Restored the data and everything ran smoothly for 2 days, now 32 errors again, last time it was 128. This time I have saved the diagnostics. I hadn't replaced the cable yet because I don't have a replacement. Maybe @JorgeB can help me again? If it's really just the cable, I'll order a new one later to install it tomorrow. Thanks in advance unraid-diagnostics-20230904-1522.zip
  8. Okay, then I'll do it that way. Thanks for your quick reply!
  9. Have the server unfortunately already restarted and only afterwards read that i can only save them before. Just did a SMART test on the hard drive and I was recommended by a friend to restore the data, so data rebuild because everything else is ok only the hard drive was disabled, should I do that?
  10. Hi, suddenly I had read errors on two hard drives. One was disabled, the other was not. Both SMART values are ok, both hard drives are on the same power cable. After I stopped the array and restarted, the errors on both hard drives were gone, but one hard drive remains disabled and as emulated. I don't know much about this and am afraid I am doing something wrong. I have two parity hard drives. Is there anyone out there that can help me? I also have the logs since this morning. Thank you very much in advance. syslog.txt
  11. Okay, I'll put the HBA card in another slot first and test it after my vacation to see if it also crashes in safe mode. Currently have the card in one of the lower PCIe from the AsRock Z690 Pro RS. Should I put it in the top slot where I would normally put a graphics card? Right now Plex and pihole are the only Dockers running, no VMs.
  12. @JorgeB Ok, thank you. Then maybe a hardware defect? Or would you see that in the logs? All parts are completely new, I wouldn't know where to start looking either.
  13. @JorgeB Card is cooled, measured with a thermometer, the card does not go above 45°C. Is the card also responsible for the 1st crash with the syslog.txt? I can try a different PCIe Slot.
  14. After this crash I now got more errors from the HBA card. I had the same errors before and that's why I replaced the HBA card and installed a different H310, but still the same errors. I am so desperate because I was so excited about my first unraid server and now I don't know what else to do because I don't understand enough about it. edit: after the first card Crashes, i added a Fan to the card, so i don't think it's overheating hba card errors.txt
  15. Hi, I've had my first Unraid server for just under 2 weeks and it's crashing regularly, I don't know what else to do. Can someone help me please? Installed is: i5 12400 32GB DDR4 RAM 550W bequiet power supply AsRock Z690 Pro Rs Dell Perc H310 Server is running on 6.11.5 Last night at 6PM I started a parity check to verify everything. I activated the syslog on the usb stick and added it here, everything ran smoothly until I went to sleep, at 3:30am the fix common problems were still running and what happened after that I don't understand. Please can someone help me, I do not know what to do. syslog.txt
  16. Hi, ich hoffe, das ist hier direkt der richtige Bereich für mein Anliegen. Ich habe mir meinen ersten Unraid-Server gebaut, mit folgenden Komponenten: i5 12400 AsRock Z690 Pro RS 2x 16GB DDR4 RAM 550W BeQuiet Netzteil Dell Perc H310 Habe den Server jetzt seit knapp 2 Wochen und übertrage nach und nach mit Krusader alle Daten von verschiedenen externen Festplatten Heute Morgen hatte ich einige Fehler in den Logs und konnte danach weder das Array stoppen noch einzelne Festplatten in den Spindown schicken oder sonstiges, sodass ich den Reset-Knopf drücken musste. Nach dem Neustart wurde mir die zuletzt hinzugefügte Festplatte als "deaktiviert - Inhalt wird emuliert" angezeigt. Nach ein bisschen googeln habe ich mich dann dazu entschieden, sie zurückzusetzen und von der Parity wiederherstellen zu lassen, falls da irgendwelche Fehler entstanden sind (Habe zwei Parity eingebaut.) Nur ich kenne mich nicht wirklich gut mit Linux und den Logs aus, würde es gerne vermeiden, dass so etwas noch mal passiert. Meine Theorie ist, dass die H310 eventuell überhitzt ist und deswegen die Übertragung abgebrochen ist und es zu immer mehr Problemen kam? Die Übertragung läuft auch schon seit 50 Stunden quasi ohne Pause und in dem Raum sind ca. 29°C, Airflow im Gehäuse eher so semi. (Habe jetzt einen kleinen Lüfter für die H310 bestellt, der morgen angeschlossen wird) Hatte vor ein paar Tagen schon mal einen Absturz, da allerdings die syslog-Datei noch nicht auf dem USB-Stick gespeichert. Jetzt schon. Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen, dass es nicht noch mal passiert, in den Logs ist alles ab letzter Nacht. Parity 1 & 2 + Datenträger 1-5 hängen am Mainboard, Datenträger 6-8 an der H310. Vielen Dank im Voraus! syslog.txt
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