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  1. back...so I got the script to work as far as rclone is concerned...thank you for that. Any help on getting mergerfs working would be huge as well. I have sonarr (radarr doesnt see the same gmedia folder that sonarr can see, so i can't get my movies imported into radarr, i get a huge error message when i go to import). I think I've got things configured correctly as far as the "arrs" and my downloader are concerned, because I can download, but I can't get the "arrs" to process the renaming and move to the correct folders. Thoughts anyone?
  2. gunna try a new config for UNRAID and start there, now that I understand how rclone works in UNRAID (used to ubuntu and used the muffin tutorial)...will report back soon. UPDATE: Well did a new config, switched around my drives a little bit, kept the "gdrive-media:media" of the rclone config and yahtzee. We are in business. Thank you guys for all the help, it is truly appreciated.
  3. well that worked for all of 2 seconds, then docker didn't mount. second reboot back to not seeing anything at all. so lost
  4. Yeah Dropbox Advanced for 90/mo is better than just about any other offering out there at the moment.
  5. [gdrive-media] type = drive client_id = xxxxxxxxxxxx client_secret = xxxxxxxxxx scope = drive root_folder_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXX token = XXXXXXXXXXXX team_drive = [gdrive-media-crypt] type = crypt remote = gdrive-media:/media password = xxxxxxxxxx password2 = xxxxxxxxxxx [dropbox-media] type = dropbox client_id = xxxxxxxx client_secret = xxxxxxxxxxxx token = xxxxxxxxxxx [dropbox-media-crypt] type = crypt remote = dropbox-media:/media password = xxxxxxxxxxxxx password2 = xxxxxxxxxxxxx Yes when I go to /mnt/user/gmedia and /mnt/user/gmedia-cloud i see encrypted stuff not 'Movies' 'TV Shows' etc. But if I rclone lsd gdrive-media-crypt: its unencrypted.
  6. Love that guide by Muffin. It was simple enough for an idiot like me to follow. And yeah it appears to be over. I have 112TB sitting there at the moment. Long story, but as soon as I figure out this script issue I'm having, I can start the copy to Dropbox. I have a buddy who has over 300TB up there and just dropped a ridiculous amount to have 200TB local storage and will just let Drive go into Read Only
  7. First, thank you for everything you've done with these scripts. Maybe, I'm doing something wrong, but I believe I have everything configured correctly. I run the script with my edits and can see my Google Drive folder in the Shares section, but its not decrypted. When I "rclone lsd gdrive-media-crypt:" through terminal, everything is there and decrypted so I know it's not a password thing. Is the script pulling a diffrent rclone.conf file or am I just missing something or doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated. #!/bin/bash ###################### #### Mount Script #### ###################### ## Version ## ###################### ####### EDIT ONLY THESE SETTINGS ####### # INSTRUCTIONS # 1. Change the name of the rclone remote and shares to match your setup # 2. NOTE: enter RcloneRemoteName WITHOUT ':' # 3. Optional: include custom command and bind mount settings # 4. Optional: include extra folders in mergerfs mount # REQUIRED SETTINGS RcloneRemoteName="gdrive-media-crypt" # Name of rclone remote mount WITHOUT ':'. NOTE: Choose your encrypted remote for sensitive data RcloneMountShare="/mnt/user/gmedia-cloud" # where your rclone remote will be located without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user/mount_rclone RcloneMountDirCacheTime="1000h" # rclone dir cache time LocalFilesShare="/mnt/user/plex-pool" # location of the local files and MountFolders you want to upload without trailing slash to rclone e.g. /mnt/user/local. Enter 'ignore' to disable RcloneCacheShare="/mnt/user0/mount_rclone" # location of rclone cache files without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user0/mount_rclone RcloneCacheMaxSize="150G" # Maximum size of rclone cache RcloneCacheMaxAge="12h" # Maximum age of cache files MergerfsMountShare="/mnt/user/gmedia" # location without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs. Enter 'ignore' to disable DockerStart="sabnzbd plex sonarr radarr overseerr" # list of dockers, separated by space, to start once mergerfs mount verified. Remember to disable AUTOSTART for dockers added in docker settings page MountFolders=\{"movies,tv shows,kid shows,sports"\} # comma separated list of folders to create within the mount # Note: Again - remember to NOT use ':' in your remote name above # OPTIONAL SETTINGS # Add extra paths to mergerfs mount in addition to LocalFilesShare LocalFilesShare2="ignore" # without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user/other__remote_mount/or_other_local_folder. Enter 'ignore' to disable LocalFilesShare3="ignore" LocalFilesShare4="ignore" # Add extra commands or filters Command1="--rc" Command2="vfs-cache-mode=full" Command3="" Command4="" Command5="" Command6="" Command7="" Command8="" CreateBindMount="N" # Y/N. Choose whether to bind traffic to a particular network adapter RCloneMountIP="" # My unraid IP is so I create another similar IP address NetworkAdapter="eth0" # choose your network adapter. eth0 recommended VirtualIPNumber="2" # creates eth0:x e.g. eth0:1. I create a unique virtual IP addresses for each mount & upload so I can monitor and traffic shape for each of them ####### END SETTINGS #######
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