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Everything posted by Wolves

  1. Just made the change, Thanks for your help, I'll keep you posted if it works Best, Ben
  2. tower-diagnostics-20230725-2341.ziptower-diagnostics-20230726-1010.ziptower-diagnostics-20230728-1306.ziptower-diagnostics-20231201-0457.ziptower-diagnostics-20231222-0828.zipsyslog-previoussyslog Looks like I found them, Is that right ?
  3. Hey Jorge, I can't find the persistent syslog on the unraid web interface. Where do I find them ? SO the RAM seems fine ? Ben
  4. Here is the Syslog, Ben tower-syslog-20240319-1418.zip
  5. Hey Team, Yup... I'm back.. The server stoped crashing for a good while. But it's been a few days now that the server crashes absolutly everyday... I have to manualy restart it every morning.. No idea what's going on.. If anyone has some sort of idea Ben
  6. Hey JorgeB, So I've just enabled the syslog server. I'll wait for an other crash and keep you posted. It'll write straight on the Flash Drive. Any idea how I acces it ? Ben
  7. Hey Trurl, Hope you're all good, Just to let you know, the server finally crashed so here's the syslog you asked for Again many thanks for your time ! Ben tower-syslog-20230817-1752.zip
  8. Hey Squid ! Been running Memtest86 for a whole day and not a single failure.. Ben
  9. Hey Squid, Thanks for you answer ! Sorry for the lack of responses, been away for few days.. I'll work on your solution and report when I'm done Ben
  10. Hey guys, Just wanted to let you know that the NAS has now been running for 15 days straight. I couldn't explain why... I'll keep you posted if for some reason it starts to crash again... Many thanks for your time and help ! Ben
  11. Hi all, It seems I'm having a problem with the Apps page.. It just keeps loadinf for ever. Once I click on the Apps page the Web Interface just freeze and I have to refresh the interface to get back in. Any advice on what is happening ? Please fined attached the lattest Diagnostics. Hope I'm in the right place tower-diagnostics-20230728-1306.zip
  12. Thanks ! You're the best ! I'll keep you posted as soon as the server crashes.. I'm amazed it still hasn't Ben
  13. Ok, once the server crashes I'll post the log Of course as I'm asking for help the server has decided to "work" Side question, it seems that the Apps page is broken... It won't stop loading when I try to acces it.. Any advice ? Ben
  14. Hi trurl, Thanks for you quick responce ! Here is the Diagnostics as asked If you need anything else, let me know Ben tower-diagnostics-20230726-1010.zip
  15. Hey Guys, Thanks for having me on the forum I'm reaching out to you as I'm facing difficulties with my server. It keeps crashing.. It seems like it was crashing once a month, then once a week and now once a day... I'll start with this.. I'm completly new to the NAS/Unraid world AKA. I'm a noob ! What info would you need to help me with this subject ? I'm runing Unraid 6.12.3 on an HP micro server Gen8, 10G card, 3*18To Dockers : DuckDNS, FileBrowser, NginxProxyManager Please let me know Ben
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