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Everything posted by Charlie24

  1. Hi, I'm also now getting this error I've only just started using gluetun but I've tried it set up using both Nord VPN and PIA (because I'd read there are issues with ports on PIA) and get the about#blocked I can see that Gluetun is working by running the wget -qO- Https://ipinfo.io command in the console and checking the IP address. I then added a port variable to gluetun for the container (Firefox) and run the same command and can see that it's using the correct IP address I've changed the port to use my Lan IP not the dynamic address but still can't access the webgui, I have had about#blocked and refused to connect I've got the gluten container set to custom:bro and Firefox to none Any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. I found that it was a configuration issue within tdarr where I messed up. It was using a GPU transcoding profile but was doing it on the CPU as I hadn't changed the filters within tdarr. As soon as I got it set up correctly the P400 has been fantastic, I can transcode 4 files at a time with ease so I'm going to stick with it until arc GPUs are plug and play with unraid. What's your current setup/what cards are you looking at?
  3. Hi All, I've recently built my first Unraid server and have set myself up with a Quadro P400 for transcoding in plex, however I've just started to transcode my collection to h265 and with it running 24/7 its going to take about 3 months to complete. Even though its transcoding on the GPU it's ramming the CPU to 100% pre-processing so I want to upgrade my GPU to complete this faster. I've had a look online but don't know which GPU to buy. The Intel arc a380 looks great but with lack of support on Unraid I don't want to risk it so I'm looking towards Nvidia but am also open to AMD. The GPU will only be used in tdarr and I don't need to worry about the amount of concurrent streams in Plex. I'm leaning towards the RTX 4060 due to AV1 support, but didn't know if there are any better GPUs out there for my needs? When comparing GPU's which specs are the most important in my use case? all of the reviews I've seen are about FPS while gaming. Thanks in advance for your help, and apologies if these are silly questions. This is all new to me . Charlie
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