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  1. Oops, I forgot to mention, the first time I used the buy link on the Media server•Tower area, and the second time I just used the https://unraid.net/pricing page. I wanted to try your software as I have all types of used hardware to choose from, and I am not really a command prompt type of guy. I was reading through your forums, and I don't think anyone has any type of support as you seem to so that made me very comfortable in thinking I could do it, and why not with your 30 day trial.
  2. NOTE: Well, I didn't pay any money the first time, so after I cleared any cookies, this time I clicked Buy Now first, then put the code in the discount area and it worked for me this time.
  3. Hello, I just tried to buy the basic license and the code does not work either, is there a work around?
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