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Everything posted by dfwjensen

  1. Thanks! Me too! Just hope it doesn't happen again! Been using the unraid server reliably for a couple years, and just love it!
  2. I tried a new install on a new USB stick. It worked fine. Copied by /boot/config/ directory over and the same problem. Just gave up and used the info in the config files to set up a my new USB stick and have the system up and running. Thanks for all your attempts to help, but I am back online. Cheers, Dave
  3. Last bump. Is there any way I can fix this? My server has been down for over two weeks, and I just don't know how to get it running again. Should I try installing unraid on a new USB drive and copying over some config file(s) so I don't lose my data? Appreciate any help out there....
  4. Is there a straight forward way I can fix this by redoing the install? I don't really want to lose my plex library, or have to redo anymore than I have to. I figure since I can SSH into the server, I should be able to save most of the configuration? Thanks for trying!
  5. Just typed "nginx" to get the output. When I stop nginx and then type it I get nothing.
  6. Here is what I get when I just run nginx. Not sure if this is helpful or not? Thanks for all your help. Is there any path forward to recover my unraid server?
  7. I believe so. It has been for that last 5 or so reboots as per: /boot/config/docker.cfg
  8. Nope. Can't blame anyone but me. Thought my previous upload attempt had been rejected as a .zip and assumed I could be helpful by supplying an unzipped version. I guess the classic case of assuming still holds true!
  9. Appreciate all the help with this. Been using the server for a couple years with no issues, so this is throwing me a bit. I tried port 1012, but still no change. Still getting an HTTP 500 error. I replaced the long list of files on my previous post with a newly run diagnostics file (sorry about that - noob mistake) Yes. I was ensuring http:// Although I tried https:// just to be sure. I have tried clear browser cache. I have a PC and have tried to access via both Chrome and Firefox. The only change recently is I updated to the latest update of Unraid (can't remember the version.... 6.12.3?). Appreciate all the feedback (and patience with me - a newcomer to forums).
  10. Thank you so much for your support! Really appreciated! I tried both port 88 and 247. Then rebooted the server and tried to access via or :247 with no luck. So I changed it back to 80. For this I changed the /boot/config/docker.cfg to docker_enabled ="no". Then rebooted. Still no effect. I had tried the restart a number of times with no effect. I though I had uploaded by latest diagnostics last time. I will try again. unraidserver-diagnostics-20230919-1309.zip
  11. Sorry for not including this earlier. unraidserver-diagnostics-20230919-0941.zip
  12. Thanks for the posterity post! I am having the same problem, but that didn't work. I tried two different random ports, but still can't connect. Also tried disabling the docker start in the config. Can access server via ssh, can even access some shared folders over the network, but no GUI access. Any other suggestions?
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