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  1. So a small business site. Although I will be running vaulwarden on the same hardware for myself only. I will be setting up a secondary system for fail over which is not as powerful so I will conduct an automatic DNS failover if it happens as I don't want it load balancing which would equal a not so great experience. 24/7 is preferred (although honestly not super critical) so there will be a few single points of failure (network link and power) I will be utilising MariaDB Multi-Master Replication and unison for file replication. Of course if the business scales I will be moving to AWS to do this. (cloud Engineer by trade). I can't foresee that happening for some time yet if ever haha. Thanks!
  2. Thank you Conner the Swiss Army Knife analogy fits this perfectly. It has been fun and I can see its use cases but it is now a choice between Proxmox and ESXI (which does not support software raid so I assume I should rule that out). Any opinions ? I do have experience in ESXI and could get a license for it too but the raid issue might not be worth the hassle.
  3. Intel N100 I use this " https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/N100DC-ITX/"
  4. Hi All, I recently built a mini "home server" using the N100DC-ITX with 16gb of RAM. I am utilizing 2 SSDs at the moment 250 gb each one parity and one disk. I have a LSI SAS HBA 9211-4i in IT Mode coming with the intention of more SSDs smaller and of the same size as the parity. My plan is nothing to do with serving media or home backups if I am honest. I am running a WordPress site, mariaDB and vault warden. I am using Cloudflare Tunnels at the moment (fantastic although I cant get nginx to work but that does not matter as you can run multiple public hostnames through it). Is unraid the wrong answer here ? Am I safer just using the likes of Windows Server (I can get free licenses) or Linux. Or should I be running proxmox? What drove me to Unraid is the nice UI and the drive setup (can add more but clearly I don't really need this feature due to how little data I actually store.) I am just obsessed with not losing data. Some suggestions or direction would be great. The WordPress site will be ran 24/7. (not even sure docker is the correct use case here either). Thanks all !
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