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Everything posted by avi0n

  1. Yes, I looked into Conduit's Dockerfile and it looks like they're using PUID:PGID of 1000:1000. So after changing from 99:100 to 1000:1000 it worked. I'd prefer a way to have it work via 99:100, but at least it's working now.
  2. I need some help, I can't get this container to run. Upon the first run, I'm seeing this in my docker logs: The database couldn't be loaded or created error=RocksDbError { source: Error { message: "IO error: While open a file for appending: /var/lib/matrix-conduit/LOG: Permission denied" } } I didn't change the default permissions in the container config and they are as follows: PUID: 99 PGUID: 100 UMASK: 22 The conduit folder is empty and shows the following from "ls -la": drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users 10
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