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Posts posted by Vulkandr

  1. On 1/14/2024 at 4:51 AM, ich777 said:

    Why not also included that in the post from your screenshot? :D

    That would make my and your life easier. ;)


    Then the answer is simple, just change the path to the gamefiles to /mnt/user/... instead of like it is now /mnt/cache/...


    The main issue is now that in the template /mnt/cache/... is specified and the mover have probably moved the settings file over to /mnt/user/... (so to speak the Array) and now you have two copies of the configuration (and probably other files) one on the Array and one on the Cache.

    The container thinks that the files are located on /mnt/cache/... where it can't find the files so it creates new ones and you are editing the file on /mnt/user/... where the changes won't do anything because the files is read from /mnt/cache/...


    I would recommend that stop the container, then you move the files over to the Array with Unbalanced from the CA App first and then make the change from the path and finally start the container again.

    That was exactly the issue, thank you for all the work you do.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Did you stop the server, then edit the config and then start the container again. If you simply restart the container the settings will be discarded.

    Yes, the server has been completely offline many times for several hours, none of the config file changes seem to affect the server, they do stay saved in the file though, so they are not being overwritten. I tried changing server name, password, game settings, all stay at default in the server itself. i tried also changing the default settings ini with no luck.  

  3. 1 hour ago, ich777 said:

    Which file did you edit (location)?




    1 hour ago, ich777 said:

    How do you try to connect?

    The plugin terminal version you made is a bit over my head. trying to use the the web page version from itzg i just fill out the proper fields with the rcon port and such, but it never shows online. I noticed in the ini, rcon is disabled by default, so because I cant get the settings to stick, that might be preventing rcon access. Realistically I would just prefer changing the ini, it does all I need.

  4. Is there a way to have the server listen to the config file (PalWorldSetting.ini) or is there another file to edit to change settings? I see RCON is an option, but I can't seem to get it to recognize my server and its a bit over my head, a simple config file edit would be much easier.

    I guess to make it clearer what my issue is. I edit the config file that the description says to change, but none of the changes are reflected within the server. I restart it, the changes save, they just never actually reflect the server settings.

  5. 10 hours ago, SimonF said:

    Is tbe lockup when you shutdown or start vm?

    It begins when you start a vm with gpu passthrough, it does not stop til you delete libvert before the array starts, once the array starts the problem persists even after a restart. it's not a complete lock up, it just breaks network access(including local net) as soon as you try to access any area of the ui that involves vm like the dashboard, and on the native machine when using the gui, it doesnt let you into any area that has any relevance to vm, but you can still enter areas like Main or apps page even after trying to access these areas. It also prevents a shutdown of the array, which prevents a restart. you are forced to do a hard reset to get things running again. My guess is the array gets stuck on trying to shut down the VM or the domain folder share.

  6. 3 hours ago, Anonymus said:

    I had the same issue, did you figure out what the issue was?

    I did not find a solution unfortunately. all the things I would have used the gpu for can be done in docker, so i just opted for that route. however dockurr/ made a docker windows, that you are apperantly capable of passing the gpu through with some tinkering, i just havent had the time to test it. its still early days and hes still adding some basic functionality like drive passthrough, but that may be the way forward as other dockers using the gpu seem to be fine.

    This seems to also be an issue for all vms, linux did it to me too.

  7. So I'm pretty new to Unraid, only bought a license after my 30 day trial about a week ago. I was initially testing the system on a ryzen 3600x/rx480. When I was ready to move my stuff over from my windows machine, I took the hardware with it, a ryzen 5950x/1070ti, the motherboard stayed the same from the 3600x/1070ti system.

    When I was on the 3600x/rx480, I could get gpu passthrough to work on my VM, however with the 1070ti, I am unable to do passthrough. As when i select either the gpu and/or the gpu sound and i run the VM, it completely locks up UNRAID and prevents a clean shutdown or spindown of the array. dockers continue to run, I can access sections that don't include anything to do with the VM, so main is accessible, but the dashboard is not, settings accessible, but the vm settings arnt. If i enter these through remote, it cuts the connection and it can't be reestablished until the system is rebooted, the gui running off of the system is still accessible, but those section never load.

    When this happens I have to then hard shutdown the system and delete the libvert image in VM settings before the array starts on next boot. If I'm not fast enough the array will start and it will lock up again, the vm doesnt even have to be on. this happens with windows 10 and ubuntu. ubuntu was never even installed on the previous system, so its completely fresh, it doesn't even get a chance to install. I have the gpu working in plex for encoding, so I know unraid is capable of using it. This also happened before setting up plex gpu usage, so I don't think its related.

    Is there some proper steps to take to fix this? Preferably I would like to fix the the gpu passthrough but without causing the issue again, as I'm not confident hard shutting down the system without the array going down properly, I would rather not risk my data more than I need to.

    Remember I'm new, so if its outside of the gui, or a bit more complicated, please tell me how to do it as I probably don't know how.

    I'm including the diagnostics zip, I have the 'Anonymize' setting enabled, so some info may be missing.

    Thanks for any help rendered

    EDIT: I figured out nvenc handbrake docker.


  8. I got a bit impatient and started looking in the vm settings in settings and deleted something, im bad with name recollection, it had something to do with isos and virt, that seems to have resolved the issue after a restart. I am successfully inside of my VM again and Unraid is running properly. sorry for the trouble, thanks for attempting to help.

  9. Enabling VMs completely breaks Unraid, need help asap fixing this as i need a working windows VM.

    So I just finally moved over everything after testing unraid for a month with no issues. however i switched from an amd gpu to a nvidia gpu. when i set the gpu in the VM from virtual to the nvidia gpu it completely broke the VMs section. I had VM set to autostart. I have to go into safe mode and disable vms using the native gui, as my array autostarts upon launch. The second i try to go to dashboard, the VM tab, the docker tab or the vm settings in settings, it will not load those section and the remote access stops working, only direct access still functions, but wont load those sections. I am forced to hard reset the system, as even shutting down the array gets broken. Dockers seem to still function in the background, even if i cant access the section. I have removed the vm backups and the isos from their respective locations, both folders are empty but it still breaks the second i enable VMs in the settings. Is there a path forward here? because I would rather not keep hard resetting with the array running while i try to figure this out on my own.

    Thank you in advance for any help.

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