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Everything posted by Unr3d

  1. Je suis pas un expert mais faut deja voir si ton disque est bien formaté pour etre dans un pool, par exemple mes disque en array sont en XFS et mes disques en pool en BTRFS. Concernant le boitier j'utilise un Fractal Node 304 noir, c'est ce qui se rapproche le plus d'un format d'un nas mais faut prevoir une alim modulaire obligatoire ( j'ai opté pour une classique et c'est tres compliqué ) l'espace est restreint mais tu peux mettre 6 HDD 3,5.
  2. Salut ! Juste une petite note pour moi même et pour ceux qui pourraient tomber sur la même erreur que moi. J'ai eu un probleme sur mes custom network, j'ai utilisé plusieurs commandes pour les supprimer et les recreer : - Lister les Network : docker network ls - Supprimer les network : docker network rm numerodunetworkdelacommandelisternetwork J'ai egalement utilisé la commande docker network prune, qui supprime tous les network docker. Il peut etre necessaire de redemarrer unraid pour que les modifications apparaissent dans les reglages reseaux. Comme ca n' a pas regle mon probleme j'ai donc supprimé le vdisk docker puis redemmaré unraid. J'ai recréé mes custom network et retelechargé mes apps mais je me suis retrouvé avec une erreur "Execution error. Bad parameter" sur toutes mes app alors que tous mes parametres etaient bons. Apres une longue recherce je suis tombé sur la solution : Dans Settings -> Docker stopper docker puis dans Host access to custom networks: inverser l'option ( si Enabled mettre Disable ou inversement) demarrer docker, tester si les apps demarrent normalement, si c'est le cas, vous pouvez retourner dans les parametres docker et remettre le parametre Host access to custom networks: comme il etait si vous le souhaitez et redemarrer docker. C'est etrange mais ca a resolu mon probleme.
  3. Okay, thank you very much, your answers really helped me a lot. Happy New Year's Eve!
  4. Thank you very much for your 2 answers, it's much clearer now thanks to you. I'm really very bad at networking So I need to put a switch after my router, thanks for the switch reference. One last question: is it possible (and useful) to connect the 3 ports of my router to the switch to use the maximum 4.5gb that my router has?
  5. I may sound silly, but I think I'm misunderstanding the way my network works. I made this shema to understand it better. I have a freebox provided by my ISP which is capable of 5Gb spread over 1x2.5Gb, 1x1Gb, 1xGb poe and wifi at 500mb. This router is obligatiore and can not be replaced by another router if my research on the internet is good. Each port of this router is connected by Cat7 rj45 to the rj45 panel with Cat 6a connector in my communications cabinet. One cable goes to my computer which is 10gb capable, another cable goes to a 1gb switch and the last cable goes to my Unraid nas. I thought that with my cables, connectors and network cards I could communicate between my Nas Unraid and my computer in 10Gb but I think I'm making a mistake. As the data goes back through my router and my nas is connected to my router on a 1gb port then this same port limits the speed to 1gb between my Nas and my PC? Is that it? If so, how can I get a 10gb connection between my Nas and my PC?
  6. Yes i tried with a Cat 6a and Cat 7 in the bundle. My apartment is only 1 year old and has Cat 6a wiring.
  7. Hi there, I just set up my first Unraid server and I have a problem with my tp-link TX401 AQC107 NIC that I just bought on Amazon. I can't get it to be recognized as 10GB. It appears in the dashboard and in info but only as "eth0: 1000 Mbps, full duplex, mtu 1500". I've disabled the motherboard's built-in ethernet in the bios but to no avail. In Settings-Network Settings I have the eth0 interface configured as follows Enable bonding: No Enable bridging:Yes Bridging members of br0: eth0 I looked for solutions on reddit and the Unraid forum, I saw the same problem on the forum in 2019 but the solution was to update Unraid to the new version but my version is the latest "Version: 6.12.6" and the drivers should therefore be present. I also tried to delete the network.cfg file as indicated in another forum post. My problem is still there and I wonder if you can help me or if I should send the card back and get a refund and buy another one? Merci et desolé pour la traduction je suis Français
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