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Report Comments posted by xreyuk

  1. For what it’s worth I’ve just found this thread because I believe I’m having this issue running 6.12.6.


    syslogs shows nginx crash and the whole server becomes unresponsive (even to pings) and I have to power off with the power button. 

    it seems to happen when the server is idle for a couple of hours. 

  2. I have this exact same problem, I will get continous small bursts of writes of around 400Kb/s.


    I have no dockers/VMs etc running, only an array, 2 cache drives and a few plugins.


    I disabled the cache dirs plugin and zfs master refresh to see if it was those and I still got the continuous small bursts.


    Only thing that iotop shows is that kworker is triggering when the writes happen.


    Any ideas?

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